A web applicaiton integrated Spotify music player, todo list and pomodoro clock all together.
Choose a playlist category (your favorite playlists, genres & mood, programming playlists, studying playlists).
Dashboard page
- Front end: React.js
- Back end: Node.js, Express.js
- Front end:
- axios
- react-redux
- redux
- redux-thunk
- react-router
- LinesEllipsis
- font-awesome
- emoji-dictionary
- Back end:
- axios
- uuid
- body-parser
- passport
- mongoose
- cookie-session
- Spomo-Timer doesn't have Spotify Web Playback SDK, which means you have to play music with your own Spotify player (any device connected to Spotify).
- Spomo-Timer server will not save your Spotify account and password, it will only receive your access token and refresh token.
- Make the access toke refresh automatically. (Access token expires after an hour)
- Add require-login middleware for backend api.
- Add pagination or lazy loading for playlist page.