This an Artisan market place where users can:
- Hire and sell their artisan skill products on the celo Blockchain.
- Apply a coupon code to get discount of 30%.
- View an artisan details.
- Install the CeloExtensionWallet from the Google Chrome Store.
- Create a wallet.
- Go to and get tokens for the alfajores testnet.
- Switch to the alfajores testnet in the CeloExtensionWallet.
- Use any of the following coupon codes to try out discount - uy789, poy71, 9081a
- The following code has been used already. Users will receive code alreeady used notification - 35ty6, 78utr
npm install
yarn install
npm run dev
if you get this error
error:03000086:digital envelope routines::initialization error
On Unix-like (Linux, macOS, Git bash, etc.) run:
export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
On Windows command prompt run:
set NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
On PowerShell run:
$env:NODE_OPTIONS = "--openssl-legacy-provider"
npm run build
- Install the CeloExtensionWallet from the google chrome store.
- Create a wallet.
- Go to and get tokens for the alfajores testnet.
- Switch to the alfajores testnet in the CeloExtensionWallet.