This is a java client library to use Quip Automation API.
- Download the latest jar in the release
- Import the jar to your project
- Get your personal access token from here
- Call QuipClient#setAccessToken in your code to set the access token you obtained above
// Set your personal access token
// Get a list of documents recently updated
QuipThread[] threads = QuipThread.getRecentThreads();
for (QuipThread thread : threads) {
System.out.println(thread.getId() + ": " + thread.getTitle() + ", " + thread.getLink());
// Create a new document
QuipThread thread = QuipThread.createDocument("Document1", "Let's start!", null, Format.HTML, Type.DOCUMENT);
// Insert an image
QuipBlob blob = thread.addBlob(new File(IMAGE_FILE_PATH));
thread.editDocument("Here is the image.", Format.HTML, null, null);
thread.editDocument("<img src='" + blob.getUrl() + "'>", Format.HTML, null, null);
// Add a table
thread.editDocument(QuipTable.createTableHtml(3, 2), QuipThread.Format.HTML, null, QuipThread.Location.APPEND);
QuipTable table = thread.getTableById(thread.getTableIds[0]);
table.updateCellValue(1, 1, "Update cell value");