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Drone Obstacle Avoidance

This tutorial will teach how to use a 2d lidar to detect and avoid obstacles using the potential field method.

Create Obstacle Avoidance Program and add to CMakeLists

create a file called avoidance.cpp in iq_gnc/src

then add the following to the iq_gnc CMakeLists

add_executable(avoidance src/avoidance.cpp)
target_link_libraries(avoidance ${catkin_LIBRARIES})

Setup a Genaric C++ ROS node

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <gnc_functions.hpp>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	//initialize ros 
	ros::init(argc, argv, "avoidance_node");
	ros::NodeHandle n;

	//add rest of code here 

	return 0;

here we add the include files we need and define our ros node similar to previous tutorials

Add subscriber for lidar

first add the include file for the message of the lidar we will be using

#include <sensor_msgs/LaserScan.h>

then in our main function define the ros subscriber as so

ros::Subscriber collision_sub = n.subscribe<sensor_msgs::LaserScan>("/spur/laser/scan", 1, scan_cb);

we will be using a call back function to access the lidar data. Lets add that between the includes and the main function

void scan_cb(const sensor_msgs::LaserScan::ConstPtr& msg)


we will file in the avoidance logic latter

Takeoff and add control loop

//initialize control publisher/subscribers

// wait for FCU connection

//wait for user to switch to mode GUIDED

//create local reference frame 

//request takeoff


ros::Rate rate(2.0);
int counter = 0;

this will make our drone take off and hold postion.

Parse the Lidar Data

we are going to go through the returns of the lidar and create a direction and magnitude in which the drone will maneuver. We will use a version of the potential feild method seen in this paper

sensor_msgs::LaserScan current_2D_scan;
current_2D_scan = *msg;
float avoidance_vector_x = 0; 
float avoidance_vector_y = 0;
bool avoid = false;

for(int i=1; i<current_2D_scan.ranges.size(); i++)
	float d0 = 3; 
	float k = 0.5;

	if(current_2D_scan.ranges[i] < d0 && current_2D_scan.ranges[i] > .35)
		avoid = true;
		float x = cos(current_2D_scan.angle_increment*i);
		float y = sin(current_2D_scan.angle_increment*i);
		float U = -.5*k*pow(((1/current_2D_scan.ranges[i]) - (1/d0)), 2);	

		avoidance_vector_x = avoidance_vector_x + x*U;
		avoidance_vector_y = avoidance_vector_y + y*U;


The following code generates the avoidance waypoint in the correct reference frame and scales it

float current_heading = get_current_heading();
float deg2rad = (M_PI/180);
avoidance_vector_x = avoidance_vector_x*cos((current_heading)*deg2rad) - avoidance_vector_y*sin((current_heading)*deg2rad);
avoidance_vector_y = avoidance_vector_x*sin((current_heading)*deg2rad) + avoidance_vector_y*cos((current_heading)*deg2rad);

	if( sqrt(pow(avoidance_vector_x,2) + pow(avoidance_vector_y,2)) > 3)
		avoidance_vector_x = 3 * (avoidance_vector_x/sqrt(pow(avoidance_vector_x,2) + pow(avoidance_vector_y,2)));
		avoidance_vector_y = 3 * (avoidance_vector_y/sqrt(pow(avoidance_vector_x,2) + pow(avoidance_vector_y,2)));
	geometry_msgs::Point current_pos;
	current_pos = get_current_loaction();
	set_destination(avoidance_vector_x + current_pos.x, avoidance_vector_y + current_pos.y, 2, 0);	

Finished Program

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <sensor_msgs/LaserScan.h>
#include <gnc_functions.hpp>

void scan_cb(const sensor_msgs::LaserScan::ConstPtr& msg)
	sensor_msgs::LaserScan current_2D_scan;
  	current_2D_scan = *msg;
	float avoidance_vector_x = 0; 
	float avoidance_vector_y = 0;
	bool avoid = false;
	for(int i=1; i<current_2D_scan.ranges.size(); i++)
		float d0 = 3; 
		float k = 0.5;

		if(current_2D_scan.ranges[i] < d0 && current_2D_scan.ranges[i] > .35)
			avoid = true;
			float x = cos(current_2D_scan.angle_increment*i);
			float y = sin(current_2D_scan.angle_increment*i);
			float U = -.5*k*pow(((1/current_2D_scan.ranges[i]) - (1/d0)), 2);	

			avoidance_vector_x = avoidance_vector_x + x*U;
			avoidance_vector_y = avoidance_vector_y + y*U;

	float current_heading = get_current_heading();
	float deg2rad = (M_PI/180);
	avoidance_vector_x = avoidance_vector_x*cos((current_heading)*deg2rad) - avoidance_vector_y*sin((current_heading)*deg2rad);
	avoidance_vector_y = avoidance_vector_x*sin((current_heading)*deg2rad) + avoidance_vector_y*cos((current_heading)*deg2rad);

		if( sqrt(pow(avoidance_vector_x,2) + pow(avoidance_vector_y,2)) > 3)
			avoidance_vector_x = 3 * (avoidance_vector_x/sqrt(pow(avoidance_vector_x,2) + pow(avoidance_vector_y,2)));
			avoidance_vector_y = 3 * (avoidance_vector_y/sqrt(pow(avoidance_vector_x,2) + pow(avoidance_vector_y,2)));
		geometry_msgs::Point current_pos;
		current_pos = get_current_loaction();
		set_destination(avoidance_vector_x + current_pos.x, avoidance_vector_y + current_pos.y, 2, 0);	


int main(int argc, char **argv)
	//initialize ros 
	ros::init(argc, argv, "gnc_node");
	ros::NodeHandle n;
	ros::Subscriber collision_sub = n.subscribe<sensor_msgs::LaserScan>("/spur/laser/scan", 1, scan_cb);
	//initialize control publisher/subscribers

  	// wait for FCU connection

	//wait for used to switch to mode GUIDED

	//create local reference frame 

	//request takeoff

	//specify control loop rate. We recommend a low frequency to not over load the FCU with messages. Too many messages will cause the drone to be sluggish
	ros::Rate rate(2.0);
	int counter = 0;

	return 0;
