引き続き、このwebpay gemを使用することはできますが、このgemの開発は一旦停止状態となります。
WebPay does not maintain this gem anymore, and recommend that our users use stripe gem directly to access to WebPay API.¶ ↑
Stripe gem is a really great gem to use for WebPay because WebPay API is highly compatible to Stripe API.
You don’t need this source code unless you want to modify the gem. If you just want to use the Webpay Ruby bindings, you should run:
gem install webpay
If you want to build the gem from source:
gem build webpay.gemspec
Ruby 1.8.7 or above. (Ruby 1.8.6 may work if you load ActiveSupport.)
rest-client, multi_json
Test cases can be run with: ‘bundle exec rake test`