RecyclerGridView is an nine gridlayout.
- support in RecyclerView with RecyclerPool
- good performance(with RecyclerView pool)
- support multiple type
- flexable
implementation 'io.github.keep2iron:recyclergridview:$last_version'
sample code in app project.
it can let RecyclerGridView know how to layout.overload some method you can change the show style.
Method/Property Effect maxColumn column count ,default value is 9 aspectRatio single item aspect ratio,default value is 1f maxPercentLayoutInParent controll the total width proportion in layout,default value is 9 maxShowCount max count,more than it does not display weatherConditionApply return true above of al will effect Default implementation
SingleCondition,it will work in a single image.
FourXFourCondition,it will work in four count image.
1.init RecyclerView with ViewPool
2.Create your RecyclerView Adapter and bind viewPool
3.create RecyclerGridAdapter,you can set multiple type view,if you want to add multiple you can follow this way.
getItemViewType() return defualt type must call super.getItemViewType()