Send desktop notifications on jenkins jobs status changes (completion, failure etc)
Works on fedora, ubuntu etc eg. where you able to install notify-send
Require: notify-send
./jenkins-desktop-notify <path-to-config-file>
Config file is a simple json file:
{ "jenkins url" : "<put jenkins url to specific view here, this is only required config option>", "jobs": [<put list of jobs that you want to watch here. Other jobs will be ignored>], "user": "<Specify user name here, if your jenkins requres auth for access. You can omit this and password fields if your jenkins doesn't require auth>", "password": "Specify Jenkins API token (find it in your jenkins profile) or password (on old jenkins)" }
where jenkins url is url pointing to specific view, for example
Alternatively, instead of this script you can use Jenkins RSS and some of available RSS readers (unfortunately, I was unaware of Jenkins RSS when I've wrote this script :)