Author: Ian Lee [email protected]
Welcome to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory software portal! The purpose of this software portal is to serve as a hub for open source software that is produced by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
LLNL produces software on a daily basis. Some of this software is used only internally, other components are licensed for use by external partners and collaborators, still other software is released, or even actively developed, in the open on software hosting platforms such as,,, and others.
Before you begin, make sure you have working installs of Git, Ruby, and Bundler You will need these tools for development.
To work locally, first clone into the repository:
git clone
Make sure you are in the directory you just created by running cd
Then you can use bundler
to install the Ruby dependencies (see the Jekyll installation docs for step-by-step guides to setting this up):
bundle install
Running this will install everything in your Gemfile (including Jekyll). Finally, run the development web server with:
bundle exec jekyll serve
Followed by opening http://localhost:4000 in a web browser.
The gems in your sourcefile get updated frequently. It is a good idea to occasionally run bundle update
from within your project's root directory to make sure the software on your computer is up to date.
If you have any questions or would like to request a private repository, please don't hesitate to contact Ian Lee or one of the GitHub organization admins.
You can also find us on our mailing list: [email protected]
The code of this site is released under the MIT License. For more details see the LICENSE File.
LLNL-CODE-705597 LLNL-WEB-680594