[bug ][code quality ] Fix weird behavior if click the row with blueprint. #1578
[enhancement ] Should clear the SelectedItems in the states if lyric is not allow to edit. #1567
[enhancement ] Fix the time tag edit mode name conflict. #1564
[enhancement ] Make something like BindableLockCheckVersion
in the lyric.cs #1557
[enhancement ] Implement utils to get is section editable by modes. #1554
[bug ][enhancement ] Caret should not focus to those lyric that cannot edit. #1553
[enhancement ] Expose the writable interface in the change handler #1550
[enhancement ] Add methods to check if the field is editable in the utils or config. #1547
[enhancement ] Create hit object finder. #1544
[bug ][enhancement ][Design ] Should not let user able to modify the property by clicking the lyric editor row. #1540
[enhancement ] Implement popover to select the lyric. #1445
[enhancement ] Might be able to implement lock feature after change handler has been implemented. #961
[enhancement ][editor ] Click the lyric to open the pop-over in the lyric editor. #884
You can’t perform that action at this time.