This is a sample project to help learn how to build a platformer with Solar2D. Includes basic features such as Player Controller, Movement Platform, Level Controller, etc.
- Start Scene:
- This is simply a starting scene, where we allow the player to start the level.
- Game Scene:
- This scene is controller all of gameplay.
- The map data will be read by Ponytiled module and create the map.
- Extends all plugins by object type in map data.
- Controller gamestate.
- You need install Tiled to design maps.
- Export json file into maps folder
--in game.lua
-- load world
self.level = params.level -- replace your level file here
print("lode map ".."level_"..self.level)
local pathData = "res/maps/" .. "level_"..self.level .. ".json"
Map editor:
Map plugin: