TodoMVC using React/Relay/Found/SSR/Typescript frontend, Flask/Graphene/SQLAlchemy/GraphQL-WebSockets/Gevent backend
This repository (released with MIT License) adapts code from various sources to provide an example TodoMVC app implementation that utilizes the following tech stack: Relay, Found, Typescript, Flask, Graphene, SQLAlchemy, GraphQL-Websockets, Gevent. It could serve as a starting point for further customization.
For earlier versions without some optional features, check out the following branches:
- without pagination: without_pagination
- without subscriptions: without_subscriptions
- without Found/SSR: without_found_ssr
The Relay quick start guide references an example todo list app, but it is uses JavaScript with a mocked (non-persistent) database. There is a TypeScript port of this example app, and some online guides of using Flask as backend to React and Graphene/SQLAlchemy as a backend to GraphQL/Relay, but nothing that combines all of these into fully-featured example app (e.g. with mutations and subscriptions). The closest example was an implementation with a Graphene/Django backend but not one using Flask. This repository integrates from the above sources and show-cases a full-fledged app with our desired tech stack working cohesively together.
We add on routing and server-side rendering (SSR) with Found/Found-Relay by referencing this example. We also introduce subscriptions by referencing several implementations (graphql-ws with gevent, pubsub example, relay example), so multiple windows of the application will stay in sync with backend updates. We also introduce automatic paging of the list at load time to reduce initial page load time.
Set up the backend
cd backend
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Seed the database
Run tests (optional)
Start backend server
Set up the frontend
cd frontend
yarn install
Build the schema and Relay bindings
yarn update-schema
yarn build
Start frontend server
yarn start
Visit http://localhost:3000 in multiple windows and see updates reflected in all of them.
- graphql-python/graphql-ws#11