Go API implementation for simple registering worker and posting jobs to beanstalkd
package main
import (
// simple smart echo worker
type echoWorker struct {
id string
func (e *echoWorker) Do(c context.Context, j *beanbroker.Job) beanbroker.JobResult {
// print the data as string
fmt.Println(e.id, string(j.Data))
if strings.HasSuffix(string(j.Data), "wait") {
// get the reference to the broker
b := c.Value(beanbroker.BrokerKey).(beanbroker.JobBroker)
// use it to post new data
Type: "catcher",
Data: []byte("beanstalkd !"),
Delay: time.Second * 5,
return beanbroker.Delete
func catcher(c context.Context, j *beanbroker.Job) beanbroker.JobResult {
fmt.Println("Catcher:", string(j.Data))
return beanbroker.Delete
func main() {
// create root context
c, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
// create connection
broker := beanbroker.New(c, "localhost:11300")
// register some collaborative workers
broker.RegisterWorker(&echoWorker{"Echoer"}, "echo", time.Minute)
broker.RegisterWorker(beanbroker.WorkerFunc(catcher), "catcher", time.Second*10)
// post a job
Type: "echo",
Data: []byte("hello..wait"),
// wait for enter key
// close root context and propagate
Echoer hello..wait
Catcher: beanstalkd !
Experimental and need many improvements