This repo is an experimental implementation using the Apache Jena Fuseki2 server. This implementation tries to apply a rewrite of the SPARQL Query which applies the Authorization Onthology. This onthology is under research in the Lock-Unlock Project.
Other relevant repositories of the Lock-Unlock Project are:
- Lock-Unlock Docs including onthologies
- Authorization Onthology (in research)
- Logging Onthology (in research)
- Lock-Unlock Testdata
- Secured SPARQL Endpoint Sub Graph (based on Apache Jena & SpringBoot)
- (this repo) Secured SPARQL Endpoint Rewrite (SPARQL Query) (based on Fuseki)
- Lock-Unlock Helm Charts
This implementation is rewriting the incoming user SPARQL query and adds extra and constraining snippets to it. These snippets are based upon the Authorization Configuration available somewhere. This is still under discussion. The idea would be that each SPARQL endpoint with data also includes their own Authorization Configuration as Linked Data.
This experimental set up is building the Apache Jena
Fuseki2 server. To apply the authorization
rewriting of the incoming SPARQL queries in 'the Fuseki style' would mean a
Although this might seem a great way there's still prototyping ongoing which is needed inside the
Fuseki development to get this working; see JENA-2106.
Therefor this implementation simply adds a custom servlet directly into the web.xml
. This is
originally extracted from the jena-fuseki-fulljar:4.10.0
To build locally use Maven:
mvn compile
To run locally from within your IDE, start the server with the test class (either in run or debug mode):
Licensed under EUPL-1.2