##Simple jquery plugin to select time in android style dial pad
Requires jquery only, work perfectly in all major browsers and IE >9. Also it work with mobile devices.
- Download from GitHub or install with bower (
bower install timepicker.dial
) - Link timepicker.js and timepicker.css to your project
- Use the .timePicker(); method to connect timepiker to element. Caution! The element must be Input type=text or contain a child input
- Set picker options using the properties of .timePicker method or data-* HTML5 attributes
<div id="example" data-time="now" data-theme="dark">
<input type="text"/>
For more details, see examples and options.
Option | Default | Available | Description |
time | 06:00 | Default time | |
autohide | false | true, false | Hide and paste data into input after choosing the minutes |
autotoggle | true | true, false | Auto toggle view to minutes when hour is select |
enable_buttons | true | true, false | Enable or Disable buttons |
always_show | false | true, false | Show timepicker automaticaly and disable hide |
twelve_hour | false | true, false | Use 12-hour time format |
position | bottom | top, bottom,left,right | Default timepicker position |
float | center | center,top,bottom,left,right | Specify the edge of the element which bind picker |
margin | 15 | Timepicker margin | |
theme | light | light, dark | Color theme of timepicker |
done_text | 'Done' | Set Done button text | |
done_cancel | 'Cancel' | Set Cancel button text |
Note! If picker not created, function call will create picker. Not use remove() function twice to avoid problems
Function | Description |
show() | Show TimePicker |
hide() | Hide TimePicker |
destroy() | Destroy TimePicker. Removes all objects, data and layout |
toggleView(view) | Available view: ('toggle','auto','hour','minute'). 'toggle' change between hour and minutes, 'auto' call done after minute select. |
position() | Auto adjust timepicker position |
Callback | Description |
beforeShow | Before Show |
afterShow | After Show |
afterHide | After Hide |
afterDone | After Done |
beforeToggleView | Before choose hour or minutes |
afterToggleView | After choose hour or minutes |
beforeDestroy | Before remove timepicker |
afterDestroy | After remove timepicker |