👋 Hi there! My name is Kevin, and i am a data scientist / bioinformatician / .NET/F# developer.
I am a PhD student in the lab of @muehlhaus in the department of @CSBiology at the RPTU Kaiserslautern.
My main academic interests are:
- meta analysis of large biological datasets and development of related methods
- machine learning as one of the tools for above
- metadata as an interface between wet and dry labs
- open science
This is my ORCID record. You can also find me on researchgate
My Publication History (click to expand)
My general programming interests include:
- data visualization 📈
- functional programming
- metaprogramming, project templating and scaffolding.
- devops
I maintain several OSS repositories. Some examples:
- I am an admin and maintainer in @fslaborg, @nfdi4plants, and @CSBiology.
- I am the core maintainer of Plotly.NET
- I am the core maintainer of BioFSharp