A script(s) to use for setting up a Moodle development environment on Cloud9 ( https://c9.io ) with Moodle 3.5
- Setup an account on https://c9.io (free account is ok)
- Make a note of your username ... we are going to need that.
- From the new account make a new workspace (note the workspace name, we'll need that too. just alphanumerics and hyphens please. no underscores)
- Workspace Type: "Hosted workspace"
- Clone from Git URL: "https://github.com/justinhunt/moodle-cloud9.git"
- Template: "PHP,Apache .."
- From the bash window of the new workspace, type ./setup.sh This will upgrade PHP to PHP 7 and install necessary dependencies. Then it will install Moodle.
- When prompted for your username, enter it
- When prompted for your workspace name, enter it
- When its finished running, click the "Run Project" button at top
- Navigate to the URL that the setup script finished with, and finish the install
- Remove "setup.sh" and "config.php" and "scripts" directory from the workspace directory.
- Happy Moodle Coding!