Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'fedex_parcels_tracker'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install fedex_parcels_tracker
When bundled, set up a initializer to provide CLIENT CREDENTIALS
Simply create a fedex_tracker.rb file in the initializers directory, and set it up like this:
Fedex::Parcel.configure do |c|
c.wsdl = 'the WSDL url for Your country'
c.access_key = 'Your access key'
c.method = 'the SOAP method to access data You need (as symbol)'
c.tracking_in_data = 'the hash key value for data objects keys to correspond with the tracking_code placement (as symbol)'
c.ssl_version = 'the version of TLS used by server You are connecting to' = 'a hash to pass to Savon when calling the client'
'Example for FEDEX POLAND'
Fedex::Parcel.configure do |c|
c.wsdl = ''
c.access_key = 'Your access key'
c.method = :pobierz_statusy_przesylki
c.tracking_in_data = :numerPrzesylki
c.ssl_version = :TLSv1_2 = {
kodDostepu: c.access_key,
numerPrzesylki: nil,
czyOstatni: 0
If no initializer is provided exception will be raised.
Set of examples for FEDEX POLAND ":pobierz_statusy_przesylki" method responses
example success response :
{:nr_p=>"1111111111111", :data_s=>"datetime", :skrot=>"XX", :opis=>"Kurier doręczył przesyłkę do odbiorcy.",
:odd_symbol=>"XXX", :podpis_odbiorcy=>"XXXXXXX"},
{:nr_p=>"1111111111111", :data_s=>"datetime", :skrot=>"XX", :opis=>"Przesyłka wydana do doręczenia kurierowi FedEx.", :odd_symbol=>"XXX"},
{:nr_p=>"1111111111111", :data_s=>"datetime", :skrot=>"XX", :opis=>"Przesyłka w oddziale FedEx.", :odd_symbol=>"XXX"},
{:nr_p=>"1111111111111", :data_s=>"datetime", :skrot=>"XXX", :opis=>"Przesyłka w oddziale FedEx.", :odd_symbol=>"XXX"},
{:nr_p=>"1111111111111", :data_s=>"datetime", :skrot=>"XXX", :opis=>"Przesyłka w oddziale FedEx.", :odd_symbol=>"XXX"}
example fail responses :
too short tracking_code provided
RuntimeError: Invalid tracking code provided
RuntimeError: Tracking code cannot be nil
Older parcels tracking information gets eventually deleted from FEDEX. This is what eventually will be returned:
=> {:error=>'Tracking code provided no longer found'}
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.