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justagist committed Aug 9, 2024
1 parent 05ebf00 commit 2511de0
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Showing 3 changed files with 346 additions and 0 deletions.
151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions examples/tutorials/
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@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
"""Demo showing the use of some implmentations of pyrcf components: joint position controller,
end-effector reference interpolator (local planner), and pybullet GUI for setting target
end-effector poses (implemented as a GlobalPlanner). Also shows usage of "custom callbacks"
and "debugger" components in the control loop.
1. This demo shows how to load any robot from the Awesome robots list
as a PybulletRobot (RobotInterface derivative) instance.
2. This demo uses a pybullet GUI interface to set end-effector targets. This
is implemented as a `GlobalPlanner` (`UIBase`) called `PybulletGUIGlobalPlannerInterface`.
Sliders and buttons in Pybullet GUI can be used to set end-effector pose target for the robot.
3. The local planner is `IKReferenceInterpolator` which uses a second order filter
to smoothly reach the joint positions for reaching the end-effector target set using
the GUI sliders. IK is solved using the `PybulletIKInterface`.
4. The controller is a joint position (and velocity) tracking controller.
5. Also has an extended variant of this controller that adds gravity compensation torques to the
robot command, making the joint tracking much better. It compensates for the robot's gravity
torques by computing them using Pinocchio and sending the negative torques as additional control
** Loop debuggers **
Control Loop Debuggers are components that can intercept and read data passed by
the components in the control loop. These components read data (WILL/SHOULD NOT modify)
and can be used for visualising/debugging etc.
6. There are two debuggers used in this example: the `PlotjugglerLoopDebugger`
is an implementation of the CtrlLoopDebuggerBase class, and intercepts all data
to publish them so that the data can be visualised in plotjuggler. Use plotjuggler to
visualise data published by this debugger (ZMQ subscriber; msg protocol=json).There is
also a debug robot in the simulation (using `PybulletRobotPlanDebugger`, which shows a
shadow robot in sim) that shows the actual output from the planner (useful for controller
NOTE: More usage functionalities of the `PlotjugglerLoopDebugger` is demonstrated in the
example: `examples/demos/utils_demos/`.
Running the demo:
Run the code. A pybullet window should open with a robot in the scene and sliders in the console.
Use sliders to choose end-effector target, and button to send the goal to the local planner.
By default, the controller loaded is the JointPDController without gravity compensation.
Try out the gravity compensated controller to see the difference in tracking with the same
PD gains.
Controllers can be switched by setting `USE_GRAVITY_COMP_CONTROLLER` to True or False.

from pybullet_robot import PybulletIKInterface

from pyrcf.components.robot_interfaces.simulation import PybulletRobot
from pyrcf.control_loop import MinimalCtrlLoop
from pyrcf.components.local_planners import IKReferenceInterpolator
from pyrcf.components.global_planners.ui_reference_generators import (
from pyrcf.components.controllers import JointPDController, GravityCompensatedPDController
from pyrcf.components.ctrl_loop_debuggers import PlotjugglerLoopDebugger, PybulletRobotPlanDebugger

# pylint: disable=W0212

"""Set this flag to True to use a PD controller with gravity compensation.
If set to False, will use a regular PD joint position tracking controller.
Try enabling and disabling to see difference in tracking."""

if __name__ == "__main__":
# load a manipulator robot from AwesomeRobotDescriptions (can load any robot
# from the awesome robot lists using the `fromAwesomeRobotDescriptions` class
# method.
robot: PybulletRobot = PybulletRobot.fromAwesomeRobotDescriptions(
# if `ee_names` is not defined here, will have to be provided as argument to
# `PybulletGUIGlobalPlannerInterface` below. But setting it here is better as
# it also adds FK for this end-effector in the state estimates for this
# robot, which can be used as starting values for EE sliders

state =

# create a "global planner" to provide end-effector targets using pybullet sliders
global_planner = PybulletGUIGlobalPlannerInterface(
# ee_names=["iiwa_link_ee"], # not needed if defined in RobotInterface

# create a local planner that interpolates joint positions (using second-order
# filter) to reach the end-effector targets from global planner (GUI sliders).
# This planner uses the PybulletIKInterface to solve inverse kinematics for
# the target pose, and interpolates the joint targets from current to desired
# values using a second order filter.
local_planner = IKReferenceInterpolator(
# create `PybulletIKInterface` object for this robot for solving its IK.

# load a PD controller that adds gravity compensation torques to the
# control command. This is just an extension of the naive
# JointPositionVelocityController used below.
controller = GravityCompensatedPDController(
kp=[300, 300, 300, 300, 50, 50, 50],
kd=[10, 8, 5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1],
# load position (and velocity) tracking controller without gravity compensation
controller = JointPDController(
kp=[300, 300, 300, 300, 50, 50, 50], kd=[10, 8, 5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]

# create a control loop using these control loop components
control_loop: MinimalCtrlLoop = MinimalCtrlLoop.useWithDefaults(

ctrl_loop_rate: float = 240 # 240hz control loop

# loop debugger for publishing data to plotjuggler using zmq.
plj = PlotjugglerLoopDebugger(rate=60)
# enable ee pose comparison in the plotjuggler data stream
plj.data_streamer_config.publish_ee_pose_comparison = True
# this debugger can be used to visualise the planner output that the
# controller is trying to track
br_viz = PybulletRobotPlanDebugger(urdf_path=robot._sim_robot.urdf_path, rate=20)
debuggers=[plj, br_viz],
195 changes: 195 additions & 0 deletions examples/utils_demos/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
"""Demonstrating the functionalities of the `PlotjugglerLoopDebugger` which can
be used to inspect all data in a control loop, by visualising them in plotjuggler.
Control Loop Debuggers are components that can intercept and read data passed by
the components in the control loop. These components read data (will not modify)
and can be used for visualising/debugging etc. For instance, the PlotjugglerLoopDebugger
is an implementation of the CtrlLoopDebuggerBase class, and intercepts all data
to publish them so that the data can be visualised in plotjuggler.
NOTE: Plotjuggler should be installed separately. See official documentation here:
`PlotjugglerLoopDebugger` is an implementation of `CtrlLoopDebuggerBase` class
and therefore can be used with the control loop classes directly.
Use plotjuggler to visualise data published by this debugger (ZMQ subscriber;
msg protocol=json).
It can also publish custom data if required.
Also, see `examples/controllers_demo/`
for example on how to use multiple debuggers, and to see how to use a visual debugging
tool for debugging controllers/planners (`BulletRobotPlanDebugger`).

from pyrcf.components.robot_interfaces.simulation import PybulletRobot
from pyrcf.control_loop import MinimalCtrlLoop
from pyrcf.components.controllers import SegwayPIDBalanceController
from pyrcf.components.ctrl_loop_debuggers import PlotjugglerLoopDebugger, CtrlLoopDebuggerBase
from pyrcf.core.types import JointStates, EndEffectorStates, Pose3D
from pyrcf.core.types.debug_types import JointStatesCompareType, Pose3DCompareType
from pyrcf.utils.time_utils import PythonPerfClock

if __name__ == "__main__":
robot = PybulletRobot.fromAwesomeRobotDescriptions(
floating_base=True, # this robot does not have its base fixed in the world
ee_names=["left_wheel_tire", "right_wheel_tire"],

controller = SegwayPIDBalanceController(
joint_torque_limits=[-1.0, 1.0],

# Create a minimal control loop
control_loop: MinimalCtrlLoop = MinimalCtrlLoop.useWithDefaults(
robot_interface=robot, controller=controller

# Create a debugger that can be used in the control loop.
# The PlotjugglerLoopDebugger publishes data from all components in the
# control loop to port 9872 by default. Data from all components can then
# be visualised in plotjuggler (ZMQ subscriber; msg protocol=json).
# All debuggers can take as argument a `rate` and `clock` parameter which
# determines the frequency at which the debugger's main method is run
# in the control loop. By default, it uses the `PythonPerfClock()` (system)
# clock and runs at the same frequency as the control loop (`rate=None`).
plotjuggler_debugger: CtrlLoopDebuggerBase = PlotjugglerLoopDebugger(
rate=100, clock=PythonPerfClock()
# NOTE: setting the rate to None will publish data at the rate of the control loop

# Additional configuration parameters for this debugger can be modified as follows.
# # NOTE: all these values are the default, so you don't have to set them unless you
# # want to change them
plotjuggler_debugger.data_streamer_config.prefix_name = "ctrl_loop"
# The above is the prefix name under which all data will be grouped when viewing
# in plotjuggler.
plotjuggler_debugger.data_streamer_config.publish_port = 9872 # port to publish to
plotjuggler_debugger.data_streamer_config.publish_robot_states = True
plotjuggler_debugger.data_streamer_config.publish_global_plan = True
plotjuggler_debugger.data_streamer_config.publish_agent_outputs = True
plotjuggler_debugger.data_streamer_config.publish_robot_cmd = True

# if you want to publish custom data in addition to the data from the
# control loop, you can also provide handles to functions that returns
# additional publishable data. E.g.
import time
import numpy as np

start_time = time.time()

# creating a dummy function for generating extra data to publish
# NOTE: The custom encoder defined in this library allows for
# a more sensible representation when publishing data using the
# datatypes defined in `pyrcf.core.types`
# module as well.
def _get_debug_data() -> dict:
t = time.time() - start_time
data = {
"useless_time_data": {
"t": t,
"cos": np.cos(t),
"sin": np.sin(t),
"floor": np.floor(np.cos(t)),
"ceil": np.ceil(np.cos(t)),
"Demo joint states data": JointStates(
joint_names=["some", "random", "names"],
joint_positions=[0, 1, 2],
joint_efforts=[1, 4, 2],
# Publishing Pose3D objects automatically encodes orientations as
# RPY angles in degrees in addition to quaternions as well for
# easier debugging
"Demo ee states data": EndEffectorStates(
ee_names=["ee_1", "ee_2"],
Pose3D(position=np.ones(3) * t, orientation=np.array([0, 1, 0, 0])),
# Comparing lists, JointStates and Pose3D objects from different sources is made
# easier using the datatypes defined in `types.debug_types`. E.g.
new_js_obj = JointStates(
# use same joint names for all jointstates objects to make it possible
# to plot them side-by-side using the JointStatesCompareType encoding
joint_names=["some", "random", "names"],
joint_positions=[t, np.sin(t), np.cos(t)],
joint_efforts=[2 * t, np.sin(2 * t), np.cos(2 * t)],

# add a JointStatesCompareType datatype to make it easier to compare different JointStates
# objects in plotjugler. Just pass a list of JointStates objects that are to be compared.
data["compare_joint_states_data"] = JointStatesCompareType(
joint_states_list=[new_js_obj, data["Demo joint states data"]],
# optional names for the different sources
row_names=["source 1", "source 2"],

new_pose_obj = Pose3D(position=np.array([0, 1, 2]) * t, orientation=np.array([1, 0, 0, 0]))

# add a Pose3DCompareType datatype to make it easier to compare different JointStates
# objects in plotjugler. Just pass a list of Pose3D objects that are to be compared.
data["compare_pose_obj"] = Pose3DCompareType(
pose_list=[new_pose_obj, *(data["Demo ee states data"].ee_poses)],
# optional names for the different sources
row_names=["pose obj 1", *(data["Demo ee states data"].ee_names)],

return data

# add a handle to this external function to the control loop publisher
# NOTE: This could also have been done during construction of PlotjugglerDebugger:
# ```
# plotjuggler_debugger = PlotjugglerLoopDebugger(debug_publish_callables=[_get_debug_data])
# ```

# Tell the publisher to also stream the additional data we configured above. This
# is already set to True by default
plotjuggler_debugger.data_streamer_config.publish_debug_msg = True

# In addition to publishing the raw data from the components, the debugger also
# can be used to compare the different JointStates and Pose3D objects from the
# outputs of the control loop components.
plotjuggler_debugger.data_streamer_config.publish_joint_states_comparison = True
# The above flag will make it easier to compare joint states data given from
# different sources (robot state, planner output, controller output etc.)

plotjuggler_debugger.data_streamer_config.publish_ee_pose_comparison = False
# If the above value is set to True, will publish end-effector poses from
# different sources (robot state estimate, local planner references (if
# available)). By default this is set to False. See
# `examples/controllers_demo/`
# for an example where this flag is set to True and can be used for comparing
# robot end-effector pose vs target end-effector pose.

# The comparison flags above basically make use of the JointStatesComparisonType
# and Pose3DComparisonType objects respectively, similar to the example shown
# in the custom function `get_debug_data` defined above.

ctrl_loop_rate: float = 200 # 200hz control loop

# run the control loop allowing the debugger to intercept and read the data, debuggers=[plotjuggler_debugger])

# All data can now be visualised in plotjuggler (ZMQ subscriber; msg protocol=json).

# Also, see `examples/controllers_demo/`
# for example on how to use multiple debuggers, and to see how to use a visual debugging
# tool for debugging controllers/planners (`BulletRobotPlanDebugger`).

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