To run Scrapli script, you need to load the devel branch of scrapli_netconf:
- sudo pip3 install -e git+
- nornir 3.0.0
- nornir-jinja2 0.1.0
- nornir-scrapli 2020.9.23
- nornir-utils 0.1.0
- --file is the name of the YAML file for service description (mandatory)
- --create or --delete, operation you want to execute (mandatory)
- --sap, if you want to create/delete SAPs config
- --svc, if you want to create/delete VPLS service
- --port, if you want to create/delete Ports config
One of the 3 values is at least mandatory (sap or svc or port)
usage: [-h] --file FILE [--port] [--sap] [--svc] (--create | --delete)
python3 --file "../vars/wan_l2vpn.yaml" --create --svc --sap --port
python3 --file "../vars/wan_l2vpn.yaml" --delete --svc --sap --port
A big thank you to Carl Montanari for his tips when I was stuck with errors.