NanoRedux is a lightweight helper for Redux. It can be used for small stores with simple interractions. You have just to create a class extending NanoRedux and initialize your props in the init method. Each prop initialized is a value in the state. You have many types of props : BasicProp, NumericProp, BooleanProp, ArrayProp. This types provide a set of actions/reducers for each props.
NanoRedux is not for deep and complex state manipulation. The best way is to separate your stores in different files and combine them with combineReducers. With this method you can mix NanoRedux with classic stores
With npm
npm install nano-redux
With yarn
yarn add nano-redux
Create a class extending NanoRedux and define your props in the init method
import NanoRedux from 'nano-redux'
import {BasicProp,NumericProp,BooleanProp,ArrayProp} from 'nano-redux'
class UserRedux extends NanoRedux {
this.userName = new BasicProp('no-username') = new NumericProp(10)
this.logged = new BooleanProp(false)
this.friends = new ArrayProp(["friend 1","friend 2","friend 3"])
this.doubleLike = this.createCustomAction('doubleLike',state => state.merge({*2}))
this.lastFriend = this.createCustomSelector(state => state.friends[state.friends.length-1])
export default new UserRedux()
If you are using combineReducers, you need to name your NanoRedux in the constructor
export default new UserRedux('user')
let reducer = combineReducers({
user: userRedux.getReducers(),
Add your store to the provider
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {Provider} from 'react-redux'
import { createStore } from 'redux'
import userRedux from './redux/UserRedux'
import Home from './containers/Home'
const store = createStore(userRedux.getReducers())
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Provider store={store}>
<div className="App">
<Home />
export default App
In your component, map actions and state like this :
import userRedux from './../redux/UserRedux'
import {connect} from 'react-redux'
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
const mapActions = (dispatch) => ({
setUserName:(userName)=> dispatch(userRedux.userName.setValue(userName)),
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapActions)(Home)
myBasicProp = new BasicProp(initialValue=null)
Action | Description |
setValue(newValue) | replace the state value |
reset() | set initial value as new value |
Selector | Description |
getValue(state) | return the current value |
myNumericProp = new NumericProp(initialValue=0)
Action | Description |
setValue(newValue) | replace the state value |
reset() | set initial value as new value |
inc() | add 1 to the current value |
desc() | remove 1 to the current value |
add(value) | add value to the current value |
Selector | Description |
getValue(state) | return the current value |
myBooleanProp = new BooleanProp(initialValue=false)
Action | Description |
setValue(newValue) | replace the state value |
reset() | set initial value as new value |
enable() | set the value to true |
disable() | set the value to false |
toggle() | toggle true/false the current value |
Selector | Description |
getValue(state) | return the current value |
myArrayProp = new ArrayProp(initialValue=[])
Action | Description |
setValue(newValue) | replace the state value |
reset() | set initial value as new value |
push(value) | push value in the array |
removeAt(index) | remove value at index |
removeFirst() | remove the first value |
removeLast() | remove the last value |
Selector | Description |
getValue(state) | return the current value |