A module for rancid (https://www.shrubbery.net/rancid/) to add support to rancid for Aruba devices running ArubaOS-CX (AOS-CX).
This module will not provide support for the following:
- Aruba wireless controllers/mobility switches running ArubaOS/AOS - try https://github.com/miken32/rancid-aruba
- Modern Aruba switches (e.g, 2930F) running ArubaOS-Switch/AOS-S - this is the new branding for ProvisionOS, and should be supported natively in rancid via device type 'hp' (running hlogin/hrancid) but changes may be required [to be tested]
- Aruba/HPE Comware devices (a rancid module I've written called cmw will help here, but I need to properly publish it. You may find old versions floating around, good luck with those ...)
rancid 3.x
Copy arubaoscx.pm
into your rancid lib directory (ie, /usr/local/rancid/lib/rancid
or similar).
Note that it works fine with the standard clogin
, and doesn't require its own login script.
Add lines to rancid.types.conf
arubaoscx;script;rancid -t arubaoscx
arubaoscx;command;rancid::RunCommand;no page
# system commands
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show system
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show version
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show images
# hardware commands
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show module
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show environment power-supply
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show environment power-redundancy
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show environment fan
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show environment temperature
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show environment led
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show interface transceiver
# system state commands
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show vsx brief
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show vsx status
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show vsx config-consistency
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show vsx lacp configuration
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show vsf
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show vsf detail
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show vsf link
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show vlan
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show ntp status
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show lldp neighbor-info
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show ip ospf
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show ip ospf interface
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show ip ospf neighbors
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show ip ospf statistics
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show bgp ipv4 unicast summary
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::CommentOutput;show bgp ipv6 unicast summary
arubaoscx;command;arubaoscx::ShowConfiguration;show running-config
Add devices to your router.db
Add clauses to your .cloginrc
, something like:
add identity {~/ssh/id_rancid}
add user rancid
add method ssh
add noenable 1
add cyphertype {aes128-ctr}
The user you specify will probably need to be in the administrators group on the switch:
conf t
user rancid group administrators
Tested with models from:
- Aruba 6300 series (e.g. JL658A 6300M)
- Aruba 8300 series (e.g. JL635A 8325-48Y8C)
- Aruba 6100 series (e.g. JL675A 6100)
It will also likely work for 6200, 6100 and other models running ArubaOS-CX.
Tested with ArubaOS-CX versions:
- 10.5
- 10.6
- 10.7
- 10.9
Not official. I would like it to be included in the main rancid distribution ...