Please make sure that your directory has the correct permissions. You must prevent other users of looking into your backups and logs.
You can perform the following operations concerning the user management
Add new users to the group "so", based on a list of users
sudo ./ alunos_test.txt [so]
Reseting the password of a student
sudo ./ [email protected] a88888
Delete all the accounts
cat /etc/passwd | awk -F':' '/^a[0-9]/ {print $1}' | while read user; do
echo deluser $user --remove-home
Adding students to a new group that does no exist yet
sudo addgroup pcl
sudo ./ alunos_pcl.txt pcl
In order to provide the same configuration for all the new users, you must ensure that the content of "./skel" is copied to
Analyse the permissions of all student users and makes sure that they are set to the default value
sudo ./
Backup all users
sudo ./
You may want to add these scripts to your cron, and send the result to a log file
You will need to check and kill processes of some students that are not being carefull. The following command will do it for you. Without parameters, the script only performs the analysis but does nothing. "fkill" performs a "forced kill"
./ [kill|fkill]
You may want top add the following line to the root's cron during the 8th week (last week of trab2)
*/5 * 5-12 11 * /home/admin/scripts/ kill &> /dev/null
Students will be creating IPCS and will not delete them. You may want to do so, once in the while
./ a[0-9]
./ fmmb
You may also want to add a new line to the root's cron during the week 12.
You may execute the following command to avoid encoding problems
export LC_ALL="pt_PT.UTF-8"
Use ASCII only and remove special characters
iconv -f UTF-8 -t 'ASCII//TRANSLIT'
Analyse running processes
ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args --no-headers| sort -t. -nk1,2 -k4,4 -r |head -n 5