The goal of remr
is to get transects along a linestring so that you
can then perform a Relative Elevation Model. Thanks to
this process is now in a function!
Contributions are welcome! Please if you have any ideas or recommendations submit an issue. Thanks.
To install the development version of the remr
package, you can
install directly from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem: getting transects along a linestring and then extracting points on the linestring and transects.
pts = matrix(c(170800,172000, 5410500, 5410400), 2)
line = sf::st_as_sf(sf::st_sfc(sf::st_linestring(pts), crs = 32612))
ele <- elevatr::get_elev_raster(line, z = 13, prj = '+proj=utm +zone=12 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs')
rem <- get_rem(line, ele, distance = 100, length = 500)
ele_crop <- terra::crop(terra::rast(ele), terra::vect(sf::st_buffer(line, 200)))
plot(line$x, add = TRUE)
plot(rem$geometry, add = TRUE)
#get resolution to make more points
res <- terra::res(ele)
rem <- get_rem(line, ele, distance = res[[1]], length = 500)
#now convert to raster
rem_rast <- rem_raster(rem, ele_crop, fun = 'mean', window = 3, na.rm = TRUE)
plot(line, add = TRUE)
transects <- get_transects(line, distance = 100, length = 500)
plot(transects, add = TRUE)
points <- get_transect_points(line, distance = 100, length = 500)
plot(points, add = TRUE)
#use nhdplus to get streams
pt <- sf::st_as_sf(sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(-115.074062, 48.741195))), crs = 4326) %>%
dplyr::rename(geometry = 'x')
streams <- gwavr::get_NLDI(pt)
#> [1] "site_data is of class sf and has 1 features"
#> [2] "site_data is of class tbl_df and has 1 features"
#> [3] "site_data is of class tbl and has 1 features"
#> [4] "site_data is of class data.frame and has 1 features"
#> [1] "basin_boundary is of class sf and has 1 features"
#> [2] "basin_boundary is of class tbl_df and has 1 features"
#> [3] "basin_boundary is of class tbl and has 1 features"
#> [4] "basin_boundary is of class data.frame and has 1 features"
#> [1] "UT is of class sf and has 28 features"
#> [2] "UT is of class tbl_df and has 28 features"
#> [3] "UT is of class tbl and has 28 features"
#> [4] "UT is of class data.frame and has 28 features"
#> [1] "UM is of class sf and has 11 features"
#> [2] "UM is of class tbl_df and has 11 features"
#> [3] "UM is of class tbl and has 11 features"
#> [4] "UM is of class data.frame and has 11 features"
ut <- streams$UT %>% sf::st_transform(32612)
ele <- elevatr::get_elev_raster(ut[1:5,], z = 13, prj = '+proj=utm +zone=12 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs')
# run in parallel
bm_rem <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
'normal' = ut[1:5,] %>%
split(.$nhdplus_comid) %>%
purrr::map(~get_rem(., ele, terra::res(ele)[[1]], 500)),
'parallel' = {
plan(multisession(workers = availableCores()-1))
ut[1:5,] %>%
split(.$nhdplus_comid) %>%
furrr::future_map(~get_rem(., ele, terra::res(ele)[[1]], 500))
}, times = 5
ggplot2::autoplot(bm_rem) +
ggplot2::labs(title = '5 NHDPLUS COMIDs (5 times each)') +
Below is a quick workflow to REMs
# get elevations for each transect using rem
pinkam <- ut[1:5,] %>%
split(.$nhdplus_comid) %>%
furrr::future_map(~get_rem(., ele, terra::res(ele)[[1]], 500))
# As of 2/9/2022 future_map crashes with one of the functions in rem_raster(), sorry...
pinkham_rast <- pinkam[c(ut[1:5,]$nhdplus_comid)] %>%
purrr::map(~rem_raster(.,ele, na.rm = TRUE))
raa_tog <- terra::sprc(pinkham_rast)
t <- terra::mosaic(raa_tog)
t_crop <- terra::crop(t, sf::st_buffer(ut[1:5,], 200))
plot(ut[1:5,]$geometry, add = TRUE)