This repository contains samples of code I wrote for my Master's course in Artificial Intelligence.
AI HW3 Problem 1.ipynb: This script, when downloaded as, is called from terminal as "python3 input1.csv output1.csv". input1.csv is given, and output1.csv is written. It implements the perceptron learning algorithm for a linearly separable dataset using scikit-learn, printing the coefficients and weights for each iteration.
AI HW3 Problem 2.ipynb: This script, when downloaded as, is called from terminal as "python3 input2.csv output2.csv". input2.csv is given, and output2.csv is written. This script normalizes the input data, and then it employs gradient descent over a variety of learning rates to determine a linear regression, printing the alpha, iterations, and coefficents for each regression model.
AI HW3 Problem 3.ipynb: First, this script accepts the input data and it splits it into training and testing using stratefied sampling. 5-fold cross-validation is employed instead of a validation set. The following classification algorithms are employed:
- SVM with Linear Kernel, using a wide variety of C values
- SVM with Polynomial Kernel, with a wide variety of C values, degree values, and gamma values
- SVM with RBF Kernel, with a wide variety of C and gamma values
- Logistic Regression, with a wide variety of C values
- k-Nearest Neighbors, varying the number of neighbors and leaf size
- Decision Trees, over a variety of maximimum depths and minimum splits
- Random Forest, over a variety of maximimum depths and minimum splits