Language Forge is an online service to collaborate on building a dictionary. Users should head on over to
If you are reading this, then there is a chance that you have a GitHub account and can create an issue directly in our issue tracker. (Please note that all information submitted to our issue tracker is public information).
If you don't have a GitHub account or don't want your issue to be public, you can send an email to "languageforgeissues @ sil dot org".
- Acknowledgements
- App Known Issues and Limitations
- Issue Tracker
- Community Help Forum
- Release Announcements
- Language Forge Presentation by Chris Hirt
We're glad you're here! Read our Contributing Guide for how you can help this project. You don't have to be a software developer to help make Language Forge better.
Please see our Developer Guide for developer best practices and environment setup
For production deployment and release instructions, there is a separate Production Deployment and Release Guide.