This app creates a platform for college students to buy and sell items from each other.
- Description: Allows students to connect and aution/buy items from each other.
- Category: Marketplace
- Mobile: Allows users to scroll through listings and list items to sell.
- Market: Anybody who is in college and is looking to buy/sell items.
- Habit: This app will be used whenever a student is trying to get rid of something or is looking for an item on the cheap.
- Scope: Creates a platform that allows students to buy/sell items within their community.
Required Must-have Stories
- User can register a new account (name, college, grad year)
- User can log-in
- User can buy an item
- User can create a listing with pictures/description
- User can see their buy/sell history
- User can favorite certain listings
- A couple of sorting options for complex algorithm
- Double tap on stream to watch a product (Gesture)
- User can see the most current bid on an item and see the time remaining on the listing
- Use Maps SDK for specifying seller location & display location on product detail view
- Animation for growing when clicked on product to display detail view ( for animation)
Optional Nice-to-have Stories
- User can search for items by categories/hashtags
- User can "friend" other users
- User can view auction listings from their college/area
- User can add a profile picture
- User can share listings through text/email
- User can use Stripe SDK to pay/receive payment from items
- Login
- User can log-in
- Register
- User can register a new account (name, college, grad year)
- Stream
- User can see the most current bid on an item and see the time remaining on the listing
- Items that expire the soonest are first
- Detail
- User can buy an item
- Creation
- User can list an item
- Profile
- User can manage their listings
Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)
- All items Stream
- Favorites Stream
- Profile
- Bids + Purchases
- Creation (from floating button)
Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)
- Login
- All items Stream
- Register
- All items Stream
- Streams
- Buyer Detail
- Detail
- Stream
- Creation (can be accessed through the floating button)
- Detail info input
- Stream
- Profile
- Seller Detail
Property | Type | Description |
objectId | String | unique id for the user listing (default field) |
seller | Pointer to User | the user who listed the item |
image | File | image of the listed item |
description | String | description of the listed item |
sold | Boolean | returns whether the item has been sold or not |
buyer | Pointer | initialized to null, but is updated when the auction finishes |
createdAt | DateTime | date when the listing is created (default field) |
updatedAt | DateTime | date when listing is last updated (default field) |
favoritesCount** | Number | number of ppl that favorited a listing |
** denotes a stretch feature |
Property | Type | Description |
objectId | String | unique id for the user (default field) |
profileImage | File | profile picture for the user |
phoneNumber | String | the contact information for buyers/sellers to connect |
String | the contact information for buyers/sellers to connect | |
username | String | how a buyer/seller is displayed to other users |
createdAt | DateTime | date when the listing is created (default field) |
updatedAt | DateTime | date when listing is last updated (default field) |
Property | Type | Description |
objectId | String | unique id for the user (default field) |
listings | Pointer to Listing | attaches every user to their listing |
price | Double | the price that a user is willing to buy an item |
listing | Pointer to a listing | denotes which post the bid is for |
createdAt | DateTime | date when the bid is submitted (default field) |
updatedAt | DateTime | date when bid is last updated (default field) |
- All Items Stream
- (Read/GET) Query all listings
let query = PFQuery(className:"Listing") query.order(byDescending: "createdAt") query.setLimit(20) query.include(Listing.KEY_USER) query.whereKey("sold", equalTo:false) query.findObjectsInBackground { (listings: [PFObject]?, error: Error?) in if let error = error { print(error.localizedDescription) } else if let listings = listings { print("Successfully retrieved \(Listings.count) listings.") // TODO: Do something with posts... } }
- (Read/GET) Query all listings
- Create Listing Screen
- (Create/POST) Create a new listing object
Listing listing = new Listing(); listing.setDescription(description); listing.setImage(new ParseFile(photoFile)); listing.setPrice(double initialPrice); listing.setUser((currentUser)); listing.saveInBackground(new SaveCallback() { @Override public void done(ParseException e) { if (e != null){ Log.e(TAG, "Error while saving!", e); Toast.makeText(getContext(), "Error while saving!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } // TODO: Do something after the item is listed } }); }
- (Create/POST) Create a new listing object
- Purchases and Listings
- (Read/GET) Query all posts where user is author
let query = PFQuery(className:"Listing") query.order(byDescending: "createdAt") query.setLimit(20) query.whereEqualTo("user", ParseUser.getCurrentUser()) query.include(Listing.KEY_USER) query.findObjectsInBackground { (listings: [PFObject]?, error: Error?) in if let error = error { print(error.localizedDescription) } else if let listings = listings { print("Successfully retrieved \(Listings.count) listings.") // TODO: Do something with posts... } }
- (Read/GET) Update user profile image
let query = PFQuery(className:"Listing") query.order(byDescending: "createdAt") query.setLimit(20) query.whereEqualTo("buyer", ParseUser.getCurrentUser()) query.include(Listing.KEY_USER) query.findObjectsInBackground { (listings: [PFObject]?, error: Error?) in if let error = error { print(error.localizedDescription) } else if let listings = listings { print("Successfully retrieved \(Listings.count) listings.") // TODO: Do something with posts... } }
- Profile Screen
- (Read/GET) Query logged in user object
- (Update/PUT) Update user profile image
user = ParseUser.getCurrentUser() user.putProfileImage(profile image) user.saveInBackground