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Merge pull request FABLE-3DXRD#225 from jadball/scanbooks
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Scanning and box-beam 3DXRD notebooks, and a few other changes
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jonwright authored Feb 21, 2024
2 parents bddfc96 + 6de094b commit ff0e255
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Showing 25 changed files with 8,811 additions and 875 deletions.
432 changes: 432 additions & 0 deletions ImageD11/nbGui/3DXRD/0_3DXRD_segment_frelon.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

623 changes: 623 additions & 0 deletions ImageD11/nbGui/3DXRD/1_3DXRD_refine_parameters.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

920 changes: 920 additions & 0 deletions ImageD11/nbGui/3DXRD/2_3DXRD_index_z_slice.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

597 changes: 597 additions & 0 deletions ImageD11/nbGui/3DXRD/3_3DXRD_look_at_peaks.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

465 changes: 465 additions & 0 deletions ImageD11/nbGui/3DXRD/4_3DXRD_merge_slices.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions ImageD11/nbGui/3DXRD/CeO2.par

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions ImageD11/nbGui/3DXRD/CeO2_20240210_1348_175mm.poni
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Nota: C-Order, 1 refers to the Y axis, 2 to the X axis
# Calibration done at Sat Feb 10 14:51:08 2024
poni_version: 2
Detector: FReLoN
Detector_config: {"splineFile": "/gpfs/jazzy/data/visitor/ma5837/id11/20240208/PROCESSED_DATA/CeO2/CeO2_20240210_1348_175mm/frelon36.spline"}
Distance: 0.1906845262656003
Poni1: 0.04554793403539409
Poni2: 0.049322695596799054
Rot1: -0.002797223871659976
Rot2: 0.005288319414788627
Rot3: -1.3372706764104528e-07
Wavelength: 1.8972100937770793e-11
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions ImageD11/nbGui/3DXRD/SiO2_mp-7000_conventional_standard.cif
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# generated using pymatgen
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 1'
_cell_length_a 5.02150261
_cell_length_b 5.02150261
_cell_length_c 5.51057000
_cell_angle_alpha 90.00000000
_cell_angle_beta 90.00000000
_cell_angle_gamma 120.00000000
_symmetry_Int_Tables_number 1
_chemical_formula_structural SiO2
_chemical_formula_sum 'Si3 O6'
_cell_volume 120.33571438
_cell_formula_units_Z 3
1 'x, y, z'
Si Si0 1 0.52369500 0.52369500 0.00000000 1
Si Si1 1 0.00000000 0.47630500 0.66666667 1
Si Si2 1 0.47630500 0.00000000 0.33333333 1
O O3 1 0.25609400 0.41485400 0.79454300 1
O O4 1 0.58514600 0.84124000 0.12787633 1
O O5 1 0.15876000 0.74390600 0.46120967 1
O O6 1 0.41485400 0.25609400 0.20545700 1
O O7 1 0.74390600 0.15876000 0.53879033 1
O O8 1 0.84124000 0.58514600 0.87212367 1
232 changes: 232 additions & 0 deletions ImageD11/nbGui/3DXRD/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
import h5py
import numpy as np
import scipy

import fabio
import functools
import ImageD11.cImageD11

import multiprocessing
from ImageD11.columnfile import columnfile
from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import process_map

from tqdm.notebook import tqdm

# we will now define our 2D segmenter and 3D merging functions
# this will eventually make its way into ImageD11 properly
# there are some important parameters that we need to ensure are correctly selected for good segmentation
# these are the following lines:
# self.m_offset = < 80
# self.m_ratio = > 200
# both in the "bgsub" function of the "worker" class
# these determine which part of the detector image is treated as the background, and which is treated as peaks
# these parameters may need adjusting when going from undeformed to deformed data
# to adjust them, change the numbers, then run the three following cells to plot the results of the segmentation on a single frame
# a good choice of numbers will mean we exclude regions between rings and powder background on the rings
# therefore only peaks created by grains should survive

def do3dmerge(cf_2d_dict, n, omega):
s = cf_2d_dict["s_raw"]
f = cf_2d_dict["f_raw"]
o = cf_2d_dict["o_raw"]
I = cf_2d_dict["s_I"]
s1 = cf_2d_dict["s_1"]

print('Making 3D merge')

# pointers to frames in s,f,o,I,n,s1
p = np.cumsum(np.concatenate(([0, ], n)))
# make a KDTree for each frame (wastes a bit of memory, but easier for sorting later)
trees = [scipy.spatial.cKDTree(np.transpose((s[p[i]:p[i + 1]], f[p[i]:p[i + 1]])))
for i in range(len(n))]
print('made trees')
# sys.stdout.flush()
# because interlaced might not be in order
order = np.argsort(omega % 360)
# peaks that overlap, k : 0 -> npks == len(s|f|o)
# diagonal
krow = list(range(len(o)))
kcol = list(range(len(o)))
for i in range(1, len(n)): # match these to previous
flo = order[i - 1]
fhi = order[i]
tlo = trees[flo]
thi = trees[fhi]
# 1.6 is how close centers should be to overlap
lol = trees[flo].query_ball_tree(trees[fhi], r=1.6)
for srcpk, destpks in enumerate(lol): # dest is strictly higher than src
for destpk in destpks:
krow.append(srcpk + p[flo])
kcol.append(destpk + p[fhi])
csr = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((np.ones(len(krow), dtype=bool),
(kcol, krow)), shape=(len(o), len(o)))
# connected components == find all overlapping peaks
ncomp, labels = scipy.sparse.csgraph.connected_components(csr,
directed=False, return_labels=True)

print('connected components')
# sys.stdout.flush()
# Now merge the properties
npkmerged = np.bincount(labels, minlength=ncomp) # number of peaks that were merged
s3d1 = np.bincount(labels, minlength=ncomp, weights=s1) # s_1
s3dI = np.bincount(labels, minlength=ncomp, weights=I) # s_I
ssI = np.bincount(labels, minlength=ncomp, weights=I * s) # s_sI
sfI = np.bincount(labels, minlength=ncomp, weights=I * f) # s_sI
soI = np.bincount(labels, minlength=ncomp, weights=I * o) # s_sI
s3d = ssI / s3dI
f3d = sfI / s3dI
o3d = soI / s3dI

cf_3d_dict = {
"s_raw": s3d,
"f_raw": f3d,
"omega": o3d,
"sum_intensity": s3dI,
"Number_of_pixels": s3d1

spot3d_id = labels

return cf_3d_dict, spot3d_id

class worker:
""" subtracts background, custom for ma4750 """

def __init__(self, bgfile): =
self.threshold = 50 # was 50 # ADU to zero out image
self.smoothsigma = 1. # sigma for Gaussian before labelleing
self.bgc = 0.9 # fractional part of bg per peak to remove
self.minpx = 3

self.m_offset = < 80

self.mbg = np.mean([self.m_offset])
# self.m_ratio = > 135 # best for undeformed data

self.m_ratio = > 200 -= self.mbg # remove dark
self.invbg = 1 /[self.m_ratio]
self.bins = b = np.linspace(0, 2, 256)
self.bc = (b[1:] + b[:-1]) / 2

self.wrk = np.empty(, 'b')
self.labels = np.empty(, 'i')

def bgsub(self, img):
img = img.astype(np.float32)
offset = np.mean(img[self.m_offset]) # remove dark
np.subtract(img, offset, img)
ratio = img[self.m_ratio] * self.invbg
h, b = np.histogram(ratio, bins=self.bins)
htrim = np.where(h < h.max() * 0.05, 0, h)
r = (htrim * self.bc).sum() / htrim.sum()
# Better to scale background to data rather than data to background?
# np.multiply(img, 1 / r, img)
np.subtract(img, * r, img)
self.offset = offset
self.scale = r
return img

def peaksearch(self, img, omega=0):
self.cor = self.bgsub(img)
# smooth the image for labelling (removes noise maxima)
self.smoothed = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(self.cor, self.smoothsigma)
assert self.smoothed.dtype == np.float32
# zero out the background = self.smoothed < self.threshold
self.smoothed[] = 0
# label on smoothed image
self.npks = ImageD11.cImageD11.localmaxlabel(self.smoothed, self.labels, self.wrk)
self.labels[] = 0
# now find the borders of each blob : first dilate
l3 = scipy.ndimage.uniform_filter(self.labels * 7, 3)
self.borders = (self.labels * 7) != l3
# border properties - use the real data or the smoothed? Real data. Might be noisier
self.blobsouter = ImageD11.cImageD11.blobproperties(self.cor, self.labels * self.borders, self.npks)
# Computed background per peak
self.per_peak_bg = np.concatenate(([0, ], self.blobsouter[:, ImageD11.cImageD11.mx_I]))
self.bgcalc = self.per_peak_bg[self.labels]
self.m_top = self.cor > self.bgcalc * self.bgc
self.forprops = self.cor * self.m_top
self.blobs = ImageD11.cImageD11.blobproperties(self.forprops,
self.labels * self.m_top,
self.enoughpx = self.blobs[:, ImageD11.cImageD11.s_1] >= self.minpx
self.goodpeaks = self.blobs[self.enoughpx]
return self.goodpeaks

def plots(self):

def get_dset(h5name, dsetname):
"""This avoids to re-read the dataset many times"""
dset = h5py.File(h5name, "r")[dsetname]
return dset

def pps(arg):
hname, dsetname, num, omega, bgfile = arg
if pps.worker is None:
pps.worker = worker(bgfile)
frm = get_dset(hname, dsetname)[num]
pks = pps.worker.peaksearch(frm, omega=omega)
return num, pks

pps.worker = None

# PKSAVE = 's_raw f_raw o_raw s_1 s_I m_ss m_ff m_oo m_sf m_so m_fo'.split()
PKSAVE = ["s_1", "s_I", "s_I2", "s_fI", "s_ffI", "s_sI", "s_ssI", "s_sfI", "s_oI", "s_ooI", "s_soI", "s_foI", "mx_I", "mx_I_f", "mx_I_s", "mx_I_o", "bb_mx_f", "bb_mx_s", "bb_mx_o", "bb_mn_f", "bb_mn_s", "bb_mn_o", "avg_i", "f_raw", "s_raw", "o_raw", "m_ss", "m_ff", "m_oo", "m_sf", "m_so", "m_fo"]
PKCOL = [getattr(ImageD11.cImageD11, p) for p in PKSAVE]

def process(ds, bgfile, ncpu):
hname = ds.masterfile
scan_name = ds.scans[0]
frames_dset = scan_name + "/measurement/" + ds.detector
omega =[0, :]

n_frames = omega.shape[0]

args = [(hname, frames_dset, i, omega[i], bgfile) for i in range(n_frames)]

all_peaks = process_map(pps, args, chunksize=1)

# make a dict to hold our results in
cf_2d_dict = {}

# populate it with empty lists
for title in PKSAVE:
cf_2d_dict[title] = []

npks = []

for peak_props in all_peaks:
this_index, props = peak_props

for title, prop_index in zip(PKSAVE, PKCOL):
cf_2d_dict[title].extend(props[:, prop_index])


# convert to numpy arrays:
for key, value in cf_2d_dict.items():
cf_2d_dict[key] = np.array(value)

cf_3d_dict, spot3d_id = do3dmerge(cf_2d_dict, npks, omega)

cf_2d = ImageD11.columnfile.colfile_from_dict(cf_2d_dict)

cf_2d.addcolumn(spot3d_id, "spot3d_id")
cf_2d.addcolumn(cf_2d.o_raw, "omega")

cf_3d = ImageD11.columnfile.colfile_from_dict(cf_3d_dict)

cf_3d.addcolumn(np.arange(cf_3d.nrows), "index")

return cf_2d, cf_3d
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions ImageD11/nbGui/3DXRD/output.par

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.


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