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Dotfiles for Arch Linux with i3, vim, rofi, kitty... and VFIO

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Dotfiles for Arch Linux with i3, vim, rofi, kitty... and VFIO.



  • Programs: lib/
# Download
$ git submodule init
$ git sumbodule update --remote

# Update
$ git submodule update --recursive --remote

Vim Plugins

Using vim-plug in .vim/plugged.

  • Errors on first run - vim-plug has to be installed (automatic through .vimrc).

Config Locations

~/ && /root/
    - .vim*
    - .Xresources
    - .bashrc
    - .drirc (GPU)
    - .gtkrc-2.0
    - .p10k.zsh
    - .popt
    - .tmux.conf (REMOTE)
    - .urlview
    - .vimrc
    - .xinitrc (~VFIO)
    - .zprofile (no root)
    - .zshrc
    - dunst*
    - gsimplecal*
    - gtk-3.0/*
    - i3* (~VFIO)
    - kitty*
    - networkmanager-dmenu*
    - ranger/*
    - rgb/*.orp (~/.config/OpenRGB)
    - rofi*
    - udiskie*
    - yay*
    - share/applications/*
    - loader! _(systemd-boot)_
    - NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/*
    - X11/* (VFIO)
    - X11/xorg.conf.d/*
    - bluetooth/*
    - bumblebee/* (GPU)
    - default/*(-hostname) (~VFIO)
    - modprobe.d/* (~VFIO)
    - powerpanel/* [pwrstatd.conf to /etc/] (UPS)
    - samba/*(-hostname) (~VFIO/SRV)
    - sane.d/*
    - security/*
    - ssh/* (SRV)
    - udev/rules.d/* (~VFIO)
    - ufw/applications.d/*
    - fonts/*
    - fstab(-hostname)
    - locale.conf
    - looking-glass.conf (VFIO)
    - mkinitcpio.conf (VFIO)
    - vconsole.conf
    - backup (BAK)
    - barrier (VFIO)
    - lib
    - vm (VFIO)


  • * folder symlinked, /* all files in folder symlinked, ! copied (sensitive or boot information).
  • (-hostname) for splitting different files for different machines.
  • (BAK) for backup tools.
  • (VFIO) for PCI passthrough Virtual Machine setup (~ for partially VFIO).
  • (GPU) for GPUs.
  • (REMOTE) for remote machine work.
  • (SRV) for remote machine work.
  • (UPS) for uninterruptible power supply.


Canon Pixma MX475

Arch packages:

  • cups
  • cups-bjnp (Canon USB over IP protocol driver)
  • gutenprint (best driver for Pixma printers)