A Node.js / CoffeeScript based REST API for the MAX! heating control system by eq-3 (http://www.eq-3.de/max-heizungssteuerung.html).
The objective of this project is to implement everything that is known about the proprietary MAX! Cube protocol in a modern language that will run on most platforms and make cube state information and supported commands (such as setting the desired temperature) available through a standards-based JSON/REST API, to enable development of MAX! clients in a language/platform of choice without having to re-implement the MAX! protocol.
The node app (app.coffee) supports the following HTTP request types:
GET /cubes Return all MAX! cubes on the local network as a JSON array (contains IP address, port and firmware)
GET /cubes/:ip Return status information about the cube specified by IP address :ip as a structured JSON object
The requirement to run this program is Node.js (see http://nodejs.org/ for details / installation).
To install this program's dependencies, use the node package manager and run
npm install
To run this program, simply type coffee app.js
- open http://localhost:3000/cubes
in your browser to see a list of cubes or http://localhost:3000/cubes/cube_ip to
get detailed state information about one cube.
While the server is running, cube state of all known cubes will be retrieved every 60 seconds and the most important data, such as temperatures and valve settings, will be stored in mongodb.
Tests are written in Mocha (http://mochajs.org/) and can be executed by running
npm test
(npm install -g mocha
Code coverage can be determined using mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script/register -r blanket -R html-cov > coverage/index.html