A plugin for ReSharper 7.1 and 8.0 that adds support for AngularJS.
This plugin provides code completion for AngularJS attributes in HTML files. It supports the standard "ng-" syntax, as well as the "data-ng-" syntax.
- Code completion for AngularJS attributes in HTML files. It supports the standard "ng-" syntax, as well as the "data-ng-" form.
- Live Templates for HTML, JavaScript and TypeScript. The templates are grouped into helpers for module, directive, scope, global, html and routing. They can be seen and edited in the Templates Explorer.
The Live Templates are based on the IntelliJ templates by Pawel Kozlowski.
You can install directly into ReSharper 8.0 via the Extension Manager in the ReSharper menu. Since the package is currently pre-release for 8.0 (nightly builds might introduce breaking changes), make sure "Include prerelease" is selected in the dialog.
To install in ReSharper 7.1:
- Download the latest zip file: resharper-angularjs.1.1.0.zip
- Extract everything
- Run the Install-AngularJS.7.1.bat file
To build the source, you need the ReSharper 7.1 and 8.0 SDKs installed. Then just open the src\resharper-angularjs.sln file and build.