Go to Expo for live performance.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React Native App.
React-Native coffeemachine application using an API and displays available coffees, sizes and extra's.
The application uses only ContextProvider for state management, no Redux.
- react-navigation 6x
- axios
- expo
- react-native-gesture-handler
- react-native-paper
- react-native-svg
- react-router-native
Expo Client enables you to work with all of the Components and APIs in react-native, as well as the JavaScript APIs that the are bundled with the Expo App.
Expo Client supports running any project that doesn't have custom native modules added.
Download the "Expo Client" app from the Play Store or App Store. Start your project with Expo Install the CLI npm i -g expo-cli Start the project expo start Open the project: Sign in to expo and the project will appear in the app. Or point your phone's camera at the QR code in the terminal (press "c" to view it).