This repository is a set of resources and information for Microcontrollers such as Arduino, ESP8266 and/or more.
- 1 - Download and install the proper Arduino IDE for your computer by their official website, which you can find by clicking here;
- 2 - Insert the ESP board manager at your Arduino IDE: at the Arduino IDE, open file>preferences and paste "" inside of "Additional Boards [...]" and press OK at the window;
- 3 - Open up "tools>board>boards manager", type in esp8266 and install;
- 4 - For inserting libraries, you can go to "tools>Manage libraries" and search for some, or you can add the previously downloaded library file by opening "sketch>include library>add .ZIP" and finding your file (or manually at Arduino's Library destination).
Bonus: Video with the steps above
This repository was created by: