A blockchain implemented to follow drugs supply chain. This project was made while doing my memoir at the UTFSM in Valparaiso, Chile. The back-end of the blockchain uses mainly Python, and specifically the flask framework.
Use the package manager pip to install the requirements for the medical blockchain.
git clone https://github.com/joachimdorel/Medical-Blockchain.git
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pip-tools
pip-sync # install the packages needed
To launch the blockchain from a terminal, and the blockchain will run on port 5000:
cd Medical-Blockchain
source venv/bin/activate
export FLASK_APP=blockchain.py
flask run
Alternatively, the blockchain can run on any port with (here to run it on port 5001):
flask run -p 5001
From another terminal, you now need to launch the client of the blockchain:
cd Medical-Blockchain
source venv/bin/activate
export FLASK_APP=blockchain.py
python run_app.py
Alternatively, the client can run on any port with (here to run it on port 8001):
python run_app.py -p 8001