Ruby wrapper for the Copyscape API.
First, you'll need to setup your Copyscape account and whatnot. You can do that here.
Next, install the gem.
$ gem install copyscape
And then you can do things like this...
Copyscape.username = 'yourname'
Copyscape.api_key = 'abc123'
# URL search
search = Copyscape.url_search("")
search.duplicate? # => true
search.count # => 81
search.duplicates.each do |duplicate|
puts duplciate['title']
puts duplicate['url']
puts duplicate['textsnippet']
puts duplicate['htmlsnippet']
puts duplicate['minwordsmatched']
# Text search
search = Copyscape.text_search('This is some text I want to check for plagurism')
search.duplicate? # => false
Currently, there is no support in the gem for "private index" searching, though it would be pretty easy to add.
I'm in no way associated with Copyscape.