Web interface for songbook generation (see https://github.com/crep4ever/songbook or http://www.patacrep.com/fr/index.php)
Be sure you have Python and pip installed. Then run pip install -r Requirements.txt
Download and install the compilation engine with python setup.py install
Init the DB with:
./manage.py syncdb --migrate
And answer 'no' to the super-user creation. Once the table has been installed, run
./manage.py createsuperuser
You can import songs from a songbook repository like that:
- if not yet done, make a copy of
- set some variables in
- Path to the songs in the songbook repo:
SONGS_LIBRARY_DIR = os.path.join(SONG_PROCESSOR_DIR, 'songs/')
- run
./manage.py importsongs
There is one repository here.
You may also want to set up the site name/domain from the administration zone.
You need to start two processes :
- the background task processor :
./manage.py process_tasks
- the web server : you can run a development server with the command
python manage.py runserver
. No web server (e.g. Apache, ...) required.
And it is not usable yet ! Lot of things just don't work. Check the wiki to know what's missing.