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Custom Accessor methods

Alessandro Vurro edited this page Jun 7, 2017 · 11 revisions

It is not always possible to comply with the get and set prefixes, for this reason we have introduced this new important feature.
We can do this in:

  • Annotation with @JMapAccessor,
  • XML with get and set attributes in the attribute and value nodes,
  • API with customGet and customSet methods that belong to the TargetAttribute and LocalAttribute classes.


It's possible to use @JMapAccessor on field and on class.
It containts three parameters:

  • name: (Optional) the name of the field that has custom accessor methods, if you not define it, JMapper assumes that the custom methods refer to the field itself
  • get: (Optional) Permits to define a custom get method
  • set: (Optional) Permits to define a custom set method
  • classes: (Optional) allows to limit the configuration to a range of classes
Class Bean {

   String field;

   public String SpecialGetField(){
      return field;

   public void SpecialSetField(String field){
      this.field = field;


As you can see custom accessor methods are easy to use, in this case we want to define get/set methods for that field (for this reason the name is optional), by default Jmapper associates custom methods to the field that declares it.
You can use @JMapAccessor to define custom methods for the opposite field, follow an example:

Class DestBean {

   String destField;


Class SrcBean {

   String srcField;

   public String SpecialGetField(){
      return srcField;
   public void SpecialSetField(String field){
      this.srcField= field;

You can do the two operations together, with @JMapAccessors:

Class DestBean {

   String destField;
   public String SpecialGetField(){
      return destField;

   public void SpecialSetField(String field){
      this.destField= field;

Class SrcBean {

   String srcField;

   public String SpecialGetField(){
      return srcField;

   public void SpecialSetField(String field){
      this.srcField= field;

IMPORTANT! The definition of custom accessor methods for the opposite field has less visibility of the same definition on the field itself.


Class DestBean {

   String destField;
   public String SpecialGetField(){
      return destField;

   public void SpecialSetField(String field){
      this.destField= field;

Class SrcBean {

   String srcField;

   public String SpecialGetField(){
      return srcField;

   public void SpecialSetField(String field){
      this.srcField= field;

You can do the same things on class:

   Class DestBean {

   String destField;
   public String SpecialGetField(){
      return destField;

   public void SpecialSetField(String field){
      this.destField= field;

Class SrcBean {

   String srcField;

   public String SpecialGetField(){
      return srcField;

   public void SpecialSetField(String field){
      this.srcField= field;

classes parameter permits to avoid cases where target and mapped fields have the same name for example:

public class Destination{
     @JMapAccessor(name="field",get="get",set="set", classes={Source.class}),
     @JMapAccessor(name="field",get="get",set="set", classes={Destination.class})
   private String field;

IMPORTANT! @JMapAccessor on class has major visibility of @JMapAccessor on field.


In xml configuration you can add the get/set custom methods in the attribute node, both in the current attribute and in the target attribute:

<class  name="destBean">
   <attribute name="dField" get="getDestField" set="setDestField">
      <value name="sField" get="UNREAD" set="setSrcField"/>
<class  name="srcBean">
   <attribute name="sField" get="getsField" />

IMPORTANT! The definition of custom accessor methods for the opposite field has less visibility of the same definition on the field itself.

You can do the same work with global node:

<class  name="DestBean">
      <value name="sField" get="getSrcField" />
         <attribute name="dField" get="getDestField" set="setDestField"/>
   <attribute name="dField" get="UNREAD" set="UNREAD"/>

IMPORTANT! The custom methods definition on global node has major visibility of it on attribute node.


The methods that permit to define custom get/set methods are customGet and customSet that belong to Attribute, LocalAttribute and TargetAttribute classes.
An example:

import static com.googlecode.jmapper.api.JMapperAPI.*;

JMapperAPI jmapperAPI = new JMapperAPI()

the methods that permit to use customGet and customSet are attribute, localAttribute and targetAttribute.
It's possibile to use a signature with the three parameters: name and the custom get/set methods, as shown below:

.attribute("attribute", "customGetMethod", "customSetMethod) 
.localAttribute("attribute", "customGetMethod", "customSetMethod) 
.targetAttribute("attribute", "customGetMethod", "customSetMethod)
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