released this
02 Dec 22:57
* b0cb4a1 web: update TLS config to Mozilla security guidelines
* 0601212 web: replace certbot with
* 43f678d build: refactor Makefile
* b00f92a web: use Python 3 only for certbot
* 880b9b0 core: update base image to Debian Buster
* ba01190 web: prevent s6 from restarting cron if it shouldn't be run
* 42a4346 etherpad: use official image and making skin full width
* c36c4d0 web: always rebuild nginx configs on start
* aea4411 Adds private server.
* 6b69576 web: add ability to configure tokenAuthUrl
* ff6d9bc Fix websocket
* e5746ae misc: add ENABLE_PREJOIN_PAGE to .env
* 465816b web,prosody: turn on XMPP WebSocket by default
* d747bfb web,prosody: add XMPP WebSocket / Stream Management support
* 130eb55 jvb: migrate to new config file
* 5290499 doc: updated link for running behind NAT
* 7cb470c misc: support/encourage usage of ShellCheck
* 04a210f misc: working on latest