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dsGPT2: DeepSpeedGPT2


The goal is as follows:

  • Build project that trains GPT2 with DeepSpeed library
  • Check that the limitations of training the large scaled language model in limited resource
  • Develop conversational model with GPT2 pretrained with conversational data

Try It out

Pretrained Model API

checkpoint: 142k step
GET삼성전자와 테슬라는 협업을 



Conversational Model API

checkpoint: 78k step
GET점심 뭐 먹을래? 




  • MongoDB
  • DeepSpeed
  • PyTorch
  • Huggingface / transformers
  • Huggingface / tokenizers

Key features

  • MongoWrapper

    • Fast
      • Fetching document with indexing collection (0.1ms/1doc)
    • Memory-Efficient
      • Lazy loading
    • Seamless integration
      • Collections accessible by unified index
  • Pipeline

    • Manage with environment with dockers
    • Run each pipeline with bash file
    • Easy to use
  • Deepspeed engine

  • CrossEntropy loss with large batch size

    • FP16 has range of +-65,504
    • To avoid the overflow, the mean of sample mean over token loss is used instead of global average of each token loss
    • The mean of sample mean can estimate the population mean



  • The project use a predefined schema with mongoDB
  • You should follow the schema to apply all the pipeline of this project

Document Schema

Data collection should be indexed by the 'idx' field to get fast access.

   "_id": "ObjectID",
   "idx": 0,
   "form": "original text",
   "filt_text": "filtered text"
  • "form": Original text field
  • "filt_text": filtered text field

Also, the DB should have 'meta_info' collection. The collection has the schema as follows:

   "_id": "ObjectID",
   "collection_name": "collection name",
   "num_docs": 110000

Config Schema

MongoWrapper requires a config file that describes which collections should be connected The files are located in config directory

  "MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING":"MongoDB connection string",
  "MONGO_CONNECTION_DB":"Collection Name",
  "COLLECTIONS": ["collection name"]
  • "COLLECTIONS": list all the collection names to integrate in a single index list

Build/Run Docker

  1. Make directory './vocab', './checkpoints' and make './config/db_config.json'. Also make './data_files' directory to save vocab training files.

  2. You can build the image with Dockerfile-dev. It download deepspeed image used for torch 1.5

    docker build -t IMAGE_TAG -f Dockerfile-dev .
  3. Run .sh files with the image using the commands:

    docker run -d --name CONTAINER_NAME -e WANDB_API_KEY=WANDB_KEY --gpus='"device=0,1"' --network host -v PROJECT_DIR:/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app DOCKER_IMAGE bash scripts/

Maybe you can change some gpus setting in the '--gpus' option or in scripts dpending on your node environment

  • WANDB_API_KEY: wandb api key that you can get in your wandb account
  • PROJECT_DIR: directory in which you download this project

The deepspeed or torch version can have dependency with the gpu drivers, torch versions etc. You maybe check your environment.

Download the vocab training files

The script run
It downloads data used for training vocab from collections to separated text files with multiprocessing. It consumes about 22min to fetch 50M text lines with 30 number of processes. Your data should be prepared in MongoDB with specified form

bash scripts/

Train the vocab

The script run
It trains ByteLevelBPETokenizer.

bash scripts/

Train the model

The script run It trains GPT2LMHeadModel with data collections specified in db_config.json Also, It uses ds_config.json which handles the behavior of DeepSpeed engine such as optimizer, lr scheduler

bash scripts/

The detail of command-line usage is as follows:

usage: [-h] [--model_select MODEL_SELECT]
                     [--vocab_load_dir VOCAB_LOAD_DIR]
                     [--vocab_id_dir VOCAB_ID_DIR]
                     [--enable_padding ENABLE_PADDING]
                     [--enable_bos ENABLE_BOS] [--enable_eos ENABLE_EOS]
                     [--truncated_len TRUNCATED_LEN] [--train_mode TRAIN_MODE]
                     [--seed SEED] [--ckpt_dir CKPT_DIR]
                     [--workspace WORKSPACE]
                     [--workspace_finetune WORKSPACE_FINETUNE]
                     [--restart RESTART] [--ckpt_id CKPT_ID]
                     [--ckpt_id_finetune CKPT_ID_FINETUNE]
                     [--train_iters TRAIN_ITERS] [--tr_ratio TR_RATIO]
                     [--loss_type LOSS_TYPE] [--wandb_dir WANDB_DIR]
                     [--ckpt_save_steps CKPT_SAVE_STEPS]
                     [--distributed-backend DISTRIBUTED_BACKEND]
                     [--local_rank LOCAL_RANK]
                     [--eval_batch_size EVAL_BATCH_SIZE] [--use_cpu USE_CPU]
                     [--gpu_id GPU_ID] [--min_length MIN_LENGTH]
                     [--max_length MAX_LENGTH] [--do_sample DO_SAMPLE]
                     [--top_k TOP_K] [--temperature TEMPERATURE]
                     [--repetition_penalty REPETITION_PENALTY]
                     [--num_beams NUM_BEAMS] [--port PORT]
                     [--config_train CONFIG_TRAIN] [--deepspeed]
                     [--deepspeed_config DEEPSPEED_CONFIG] [--deepscale]
                     [--deepscale_config DEEPSCALE_CONFIG] [--deepspeed_mpi]

PyTorch koGPT2 Model

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --wandb_dir WANDB_DIR
                        for setting wandb project

  model configuration

  --model_select MODEL_SELECT
                        model selection parameter. One of [112m, 112m_half,

  tokenizer configuration

  --vocab_load_dir VOCAB_LOAD_DIR
                        checkpoint directory name
  --vocab_id_dir VOCAB_ID_DIR
                        checkpoint directory name
  --enable_padding ENABLE_PADDING
                        default: enable padding
  --enable_bos ENABLE_BOS
                        default: enable bos
  --enable_eos ENABLE_EOS
                        default: enable eos
  --truncated_len TRUNCATED_LEN
                        maximum length of tokenized sentence

  training configurations

  --train_mode TRAIN_MODE
                        training goal. One of [pretrain, finetune]
  --seed SEED           random seed
  --ckpt_dir CKPT_DIR   directory for save checkpoint
  --workspace WORKSPACE
                        workspace directory name
  --workspace_finetune WORKSPACE_FINETUNE
                        workspace directory name
  --restart RESTART     restart training
  --ckpt_id CKPT_ID     checkpoint directory name
  --ckpt_id_finetune CKPT_ID_FINETUNE
                        checkpoint directory name
  --train_iters TRAIN_ITERS
                        # of iterations for training
  --tr_ratio TR_RATIO   ratio of training set in total dataset
  --loss_type LOSS_TYPE
                        loss selection argument. Only "lm_loss" is supported
  --ckpt_save_steps CKPT_SAVE_STEPS
                        save checkpoint for every # of steps
  --distributed-backend DISTRIBUTED_BACKEND
                        which backend to use for distributed training. One of
                        [gloo, nccl]
  --local_rank LOCAL_RANK
                        local rank passed from distributed launcher

  validation configurations

  --eval_batch_size EVAL_BATCH_SIZE
                        # of batch size for evaluating on each GPU

Text generation:

  --use_cpu USE_CPU     use cpu or not. If not, gpu is selected
  --gpu_id GPU_ID       select gpu id
  --min_length MIN_LENGTH
                        minimum token length
  --max_length MAX_LENGTH
                        maximum token length
  --do_sample DO_SAMPLE
                        generate sequence with sampling
  --top_k TOP_K         # of k for top k sampling
  --temperature TEMPERATURE
                        temperature parameter. Lower temperature make the prob
                        distribution sharper
  --repetition_penalty REPETITION_PENALTY
                        repetition penalty. It is multiplied to temperature
  --num_beams NUM_BEAMS
                        # of beam search
  --port PORT           API port

  data configurations

  --config_train CONFIG_TRAIN
                        mongoDB configuration for loading training dataset

  DeepSpeed configurations

  --deepspeed           Enable DeepSpeed (helper flag for user code, no impact
                        on DeepSpeed backend)
  --deepspeed_config DEEPSPEED_CONFIG
                        DeepSpeed json configuration file.
  --deepscale           Deprecated enable DeepSpeed (helper flag for user
                        code, no impact on DeepSpeed backend)
  --deepscale_config DEEPSCALE_CONFIG
                        Deprecated DeepSpeed json configuration file.
  --deepspeed_mpi       Run via MPI, this will attempt to discover the
                        necessary variables to initialize torch distributed
                        from the MPI environment

Run the API

bash scripts/
bash scripts/


Data # of Documents
Newspaper 37.2M
Spoken 20.6M
Web 5.5M
Written 27.2M
------ ------
Total 90.5M
  • Word count ~= 2B

  • Data source: 국립국어원 모두의 말뭉치 ver 1.0

    • 웹 말뭉치, 신문 말뭉치, 문어 말뭉치, 구어 말뭉치, 메신저 말뭉치
  • Conversational data is trained with messanger data (모두의 말뭉치 ver 1.0)

Loss - pretrain

# of parameters # of data Step Loss PPL
112M 90.5M 142k ~ 3.9 ~ 48.95


Loss - finetune

# of parameters # of data Step Loss Acc
112M 0.3M 78k ~ 0.048 ~ 0.985




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