Simple CLI program to browse Contrail API server
You can install contrail-api-cli inside a python virtualenv. First create the virtualenv and install contrail-api-cli with pip.
$ virtualenv contrail-api-cli-venv
$ source contrail-api-cli-venv/bin/activate
(contrail-api-cli-venv) $ pip install contrail-api-cli
First you need to satisfy dependencies missing in Ubuntu Trusty. You can install them from newer distribution or from backports (eg. tcpcloud/extra)
- python-pathlib
- python-prompt-toolkit
- python-wcwidth
When dependencies are satisfied, you can build package:
dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us
Then upload into your repository or install directly:
dpkg -i ../contrail-api-cli_*.deb
Run contrail-api-cli shell
to start the cli. Use the -h
option to see all supported options. By default it will try to connect to localhost
on port 8082
with no authentication.
Type help
to get the list of all available commands.
Here is a screenshot of an example session:
supports keystone (v2, v3) and Basic HTTP authentication mechanisms.
When running the contrail API server with --auth keystone
you can login on port 8082 with keystone auth and on port 8095 with basic http auth.
contrail-api-cli --host localhost:8095 --os-auth-plugin http --os-username admin --os-password contrail123 shell
The username and password can be sourced from the environment variables OS_USERNAME
The auth plugin default to http
is set.
The easiest way is to source your openstack openrc file and run
contrail-api-cli --os-auth-plugin [v2password|v3password] shell
See contrail-api-cli --os-auth-plugin [v2password|v3password] --help
for all options.
Install virtualenv
# pip install virtualenv
Install pip
# easy_install pip