A CV + RTB platform.
- Receives images with some environment information from the UI
- Sends images to the CV service to get some demographics
- Forwards demographic information to advertisers
- Advertisers bid, someone wins
- Sends winning bid image back to UI for display
Create standard uberjar, build the Docker image, run it like the wind.
Create uberjar
lein uberjar
Build Docker image
docker build -t tobias .
Run image
docker run \ -d # as daemon -p 80:3000 \ # internet:jetty -p 3001:3001 \ # internet:nrepl --name tobias # container name tobias # our image
If running somewhere else, before running the image either:
- Push Tobias to a Docker registry
- Pull Tobias from the registry
Save image as tar
docker save -o tobias.tar tobias
Copy image to target server
scp tobias.tar user@host:path
Load image in target
docker load -i tobias.tar