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Joe Hellerstein edited this page Dec 8, 2015 · 1 revision

Topics and Reading

R&G = Ramakrishnan/Gehrke. AWDR = Active Web Dev with Rails, 3rd edition

  • Data modeling: Relational Model, Entity-Relationship Model, Ruby on Rails models
    • R&G, Chapters 1-3
    • AWDR, Chaps 18, 19 (through 19.3)
  • Relational Storage: Disks, Files, Buffer Pool
    • Disks, Files, Buffer Pool: R&G Chap 9
    • Indexes: R&G Chap 8, Chap 10
    • Tree Indexes: R&G Chap 10
  • External Sorting: R&G Chapter 13
  • Boolean Text Search: R&G. Chap 27.1-27.3
  • Relational Queries: Calculus, Algebra, SQL
  • Query Processing: dataflow software architectures, sorting, hashing, join algorithms
  • Data Parallelism: architecture, SQL, MapReduce
  • Logical database design, normalization theory
  • Physical database design
  • Transactions:
    • Concurrency Control: Serializability theory, two-phase locking
    • Recovery: Write-Ahead logging and ARIES
  • Ranked retrieval: Vector space models, TFxIDF, PageRank
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