Source data:
- cik_ticker.csv: Database of tik-to-cik mappings, company names. 13738 companies.
- russell2000.html: Web page which contains the russell 2000 ticker symbols.
Generated files:
- russell_2000_components.csv (ticker, name) - 1909 companies
- russell_2000_cik_to_ticker.csv (1635 companies)
- missing_ciks.csv (Tickers for 274 companies)
- missing_cik_ticker.csv (Ticker, CIK, Name for 274 companies):
- Used to extract Russell 2000 components from (russell2000.html)
- Writes to russell_2000_components.csv
- Using russell_2000_components.csv and cik_ticker.csv, gets the CIK's for each of the Russell 2000 components
- Writes to russell_2000_cik_to_ticker.csv, missing_ciks.csv
- Scrape the CIK's for companies not found in cik_ticker.csv
- Write results to missing_cik_ticker.csv