Releases: jellyfin/jellyfin-android
π Beta information
Beta versions are not guaranteed to work as expected. We encourage users to create detailed bug reports if any problems arise. Read our blog post for more information about our Android beta programs.
π§ Bugfixes
π‘ Everything else
- Disable line breaks after multiline when entries #1032, by @Maxr1998
- Update Jellyfin SDK (1.4.2) and Exoplayer (2.18.6) #1034, by @nielsvanvelzen
π Beta information
Beta versions are not guaranteed to work as expected. We encourage users to create detailed bug reports if any problems arise. Read our blog post for more information about our Android beta programs.
π§ Bugfixes
π Beta information
Beta versions are not guaranteed to work as expected. We encourage users to create detailed bug reports if any problems arise. Read our blog post for more information about our Android beta programs.
ποΈ Enhancements
- Add default changelog to fastlane #1011, by @nielsvanvelzen
π§ Bugfixes
π‘ Everything else
π Dependency updates
- Update exoplayer to v2.18.5 #997, by @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency androidx.webkit:webkit to v1.6.1 #1001, by @renovate[bot]
- Update CI dependencies #1002, by @renovate[bot]
The second beta for 2.5.0 contains a bugfix for the bitrate selection popup and updates various dependencies.
Note: The changelog below contains some entries that were missing in the first beta.
π Beta information
Beta versions are not guaranteed to work as expected. We encourage users to create detailed bug reports if any problems arise. Read our blog post for more information about our Android beta programs.
π§ Bugfixes
π‘ Everything else
- don't automatically change orientation for landscape video #809, by @eglia
- Remove gradlew-update.yaml workflow #962, by @nielsvanvelzen
π Dependency updates
- Update github/codeql-action digest to ec3cf9c #865, by @renovate[bot]
- Update alexellis/upload-assets action to v0.4.0 #871, by @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core to v3.5.1 #946, by @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency androidx.test:runner to v1.5.2 #947, by @renovate[bot]
- Update junit5 monorepo to v5.9.2 #952, by @renovate[bot]
- Update compose to v1.3.3 #954, by @renovate[bot]
- Update androidx-room to v2.5.0 #955, by @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency androidx.appcompat:appcompat to v1.6.1 #956, by @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency to v7.4.2 #958, by @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency org.jellyfin.sdk:jellyfin-core to v1.4.1 #961, by @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency to v1.8.0 #963, by @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency androidx.webkit:webkit to v1.6.0 #964, by @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency gradle to v7.6.1 #986, by @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency io.mockk:mockk-android to v1.13.4 #987, by @renovate[bot]
- Update exoplayer to v2.18.4 #988, by @renovate[bot]
- Update kotest to v5.5.5 #989, by @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency com.github.ben-manes.versions to v0.46.0 #991, by @renovate[bot]
- Update koin #937, by @renovate[bot]
- Update CI dependencies #950, by @renovate[bot]
- Update CI dependencies #951, by @renovate[bot]
It has been a while since the last update, so we're proud to finally upload a new beta!
This release mostly saw improvements and fixes to the integrated player, like (finally) bitrate/quality selection, fixes for transcoding and audio/subtitle track selection, a back button and the option to switch between hardware and software decoding.
As always, we'd like to thank our external contributors who implemented new features or fixed bugs.
π Beta information
Beta versions are not guaranteed to work as expected. We encourage users to create detailed bug reports if any problems arise. Read our blog post for more information about our Android beta programs.
ποΈ Enhancements
- Support video bitrate selection #535, by @Maxr1998
- Add adaptive monochrome icon. #777, by @Irishsmurf
- Improve player gesture exclusions #796, by @Maxr1998
- Use Cronet network stack for ExoPlayer #797, by @Maxr1998
- Rewrite connection screen in Jetpack Compose #800, by @Maxr1998
- Decouple JavaScript bridge components from Fragments #813, by @Maxr1998
- Add ability to direct play ass with exoplayer #826, by @nalsai
- Implement downloadFiles in NativeShell #842, by @nielsvanvelzen
- Add option to change the decoder used by the player #893, by @susonthapa
- Add back button in the integrated player #901, by @susonthapa
- Add link to Android subtitle settings in client settings #905, by @Maxr1998
- Add splash screen #915, by @susonthapa
- Add button to cancel loading before timeout #933, by @Maxr1998
π§ Bugfixes
- Use specified video version in native player #637, by @mingyech
- Add subtitle profiles to external player profile #638, by @mingyech
- Update notify method to strip escaped HTML characters. #775, by @colonelpopcorn
- Fixed potential crash when user reopens the app quickly #911, by @susonthapa
- Fix and rewrite audio and subtitle track selection when transcoding #931, by @Maxr1998
- Rework fullscreen/insets handling and fix deprecations #936, by @Maxr1998
π‘ Everything else
- Enable more detekt rules and fix reported issues #639, by @Maxr1998
- Delete dependabot.yml #655, by @nielsvanvelzen
- Bump Android compile and target SDK to 32 (Android 12L) #761, by @nielsvanvelzen
- Raise compileSdk to 33 #805, by @Maxr1998
- Extract some WebView logic to separate files #807, by @Maxr1998
- Add pull request template #816, by @nielsvanvelzen
- Auto-apply milestones #866, by @Maxr1998
- Pin GitHub actions to specific version tag #867, by @Maxr1998
- Tweak .editorconfig and reformat code #868, by @Maxr1998
- Set namespace in build.gradle.kts instead of Manifest #869, by @Maxr1998
- Fix various detekt warnings #929, by @Maxr1998
- Don't ignore detekt failures anymore #930, by @Maxr1998
π Dependency updates
- ci: bump actions/upload-artifact from 2 to 3 #645, by @dependabot[bot]
- Update Jellyfin Kotlin SDK to 1.2.0 #651, by @nielsvanvelzen
- Configure Renovate #653, by @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency io.insert-koin:koin-android to v3.1.6 #656, by @renovate[bot]
- Update org.jetbrains.kotlinx to v1.6.1 #658, by @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency to v1.6.0 #665, by @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency androidx.mediarouter:mediarouter to v1.3.0 #666, by @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android to v2.9.1 #667, by @renovate[bot]
- Update plugin detekt to v1.20.0 #670, by @renovate[bot]
- Update .editorconfig and fix formatting for renovate.json #672, by @Maxr1998
- Update Kotlin #674, by @renovate[bot]
- Update Kotlin #701, by @renovate[bot]
- Update Kotlin #728, by @renovate[bot]
- Update Kotlin #823, by @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency to v1.6.0 #679, by @renovate[bot]
- Update exoplayer #681, by @renovate[bot]
- Update exoplayer #902, by @renovate[bot]
- Update
- Update io.insert-koin:koin-android
- Update koin #810, by @renovate[bot]
- Update koin #847, by @renovate[bot]
- Update koin #926, by @renovate[bot]
- Update io.coil-kt:coil-base
- Update io.mockk:mockk
- Update dependency androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout to v2.1.4 #689, by @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core to v1.6.2 #695, by @renovate[bot]
- Update
- Update github/codeql-action
- to 27ea8f8 #698, by @renovate[bot]
- to d00e8c0 #712, by @renovate[bot]
- to 41a4ada #715, by @renovate[bot]
- to 3e7e3b3 #721, by @renovate[bot]
- to 2ca79b6 #749, by @renovate[bot]
- to f5d217b #763, by @renovate[bot]
- to 7fee4ca #765, by @renovate[bot]
- to c7f292e #771, by @renovate[bot]
- to b398f52 #776, by @renovate[bot]
- to 6a38b7d #788, by @renovate[bot]
- to 904260d #792, by @renovate[bot]
- to 86f3159 #801, by @renovate[bot]
- to e0e5ded #825, by @renovate[bot]
- to 8075783 #833, by @renovate[bot]
- to cc7986c #846, by @renovate[bot]
- Update androidx.appcompat:appcompat
- Update androidx.core:core-ktx
- Update org.jellyfin.sdk:jellyfin-core
- Update de.maxr1998:modernandroidpreferences
- Update dependency com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp to v4.10.0 #705, by @renovate[bot]
- Update kotest
- to v5.2.3 #657, by @renovate[bot]
- to v5.3.0 #676, by @renovate[bot]
- to v5.3.1 #708, by @renovate[bot]
- to v5.3.2 #719, by @renovate[bot]
- to v5.4.0 #743, by @renovate[bot]
- to v5.4.1 #748, by @renovate[bot]
- to v5.4.2 #758, by @renovate[bot]
- to v5.5.0 #828, by @renovate[bot]
- to v5.5.1 #836, by @renovate[bot]
- to v5.5.2 #858, by @renovate[bot]
- to v5.5.3 #870, by @renovate[bot]
- to v5.5.4 #877, by @renovate[bot]
- Update gradle-update/update-gradle-wrapper-action digest to 981c551 #709, by @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android to v1.6.3 #711, by @renovate[bot]
- Update actions/setup-java
- Update androidx-lifecycle to v2.5.1 #722, by @renovate[bot]
- Update androidx.activity:activity-ktx
- Update androidx.fragment:fragment-ktx
- Update dependency to v1.8.2.1 #726, by @renovate[bot]
- Update Kotlin to v1.6.4 #732, by @renovate[bot]
- Update Gradle Wrapper from 7.4.2 to 7.5 #733, by @jellyfin-bot
- Update actions/stale
- Update detekt
- Update junit5 monorepo
- Update androidx-room to v2.4.3 #746, by @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency androidx.mediarouter:mediarouter to v1.3.1 #747, by @renovate[bot]
- Update appleboy/ssh-action action to v0.1.5 #750, by @renovate[bot]
- Update Gradle Wrapper from 7.5 to 7.5.1 #753, by @jellyfin-bot
- Update playservices
- Update
- Update dependency androidx.webkit:webkit to v1.5.0 #768, by @renovate[bot]
- Update
- Update actions/stale action
- Update io.mockk:mockk-android
- Update gradle/gradle-build-action
This is a birthday-party-hotfix.
- Update Gradle Wrapper from 7.4.1 to 7.4.2 #633, by @jellyfin-bot
- Fix cast broken due to invalid manifest entry #635, by @Maxr1998
A small release to update some dependencies, translations and to fix some minor issues.
- Update Gradle Wrapper from 7.2 to 7.3 #562, by @jellyfin-bot
- Fix inconsistent behaviour of the previous button #575, by @em1lyy
- Update Gradle Wrapper from 7.3 to 7.3.1 #579, by @jellyfin-bot
- Apply explicit navigation bar color on API v28 and below #583, by @wnhrt
- Update dependencies #588, by @Maxr1998
- Fix various cast code warnings #589, by @Maxr1998
- Update Gradle Wrapper from 7.3.1 to 7.3.2 #590, by @jellyfin-bot
- Update Gradle Wrapper from 7.3.2 to 7.3.3 #594, by @jellyfin-bot
- ci: bump burnett01/rsync-deployments from 5.1 to 5.2 #601, by @dependabot[bot]
- add stale issue check workflow #609, by @h1dden-da3m0n
- Update dependencies and fix some warnings #610, by @Maxr1998
- Refactor application packages #611, by @Maxr1998
- Move unlock button to the right to prevent overlap #612, by @Maxr1998
- Add repository condition to stale workflow #613, by @nielsvanvelzen
- Android Auto: Sort playlists by name and return more by default #614, by @Maxr1998
- Update Gradle Wrapper from 7.3.3 to 7.4 #618, by @jellyfin-bot
- ci: bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 #626, by @dependabot[bot]
- ci: bump actions/stale from 4.1.0 to 5 #627, by @dependabot[bot]
- Update Gradle Wrapper from 7.4 to 7.4.1 #628, by @jellyfin-bot
- Move database schema files to new location #630, by @Maxr1998
- Update dependencies #631, by @Maxr1998
This update fixes Chromecast support on Android 12 and a few other issues.
- Update Gradle Wrapper from 7.2 to 7.3 #562, by @jellyfin-bot
- Fix stop time in ExternalPlayer #566, by @Maxr1998
- Fix potential crash when loading display preferences #567, by @Maxr1998
- Update Google Play Services to 20.1.0 to crash when using Chromecast on Android 12 #577, by @nielsvanvelzen
- Update ExoPlayer to 2.16.1 #578, by @Maxr1998
That bug causing the video player to crash? It's fixed now!
π₯ Crash fixes
- Fix PendingIntent crash on Android 12 #559, by @Maxr1998
- Fix ExoPlayer crashing on track selection #560, by @Maxr1998
π¨ Refactoring
- Build script refactoring #556, by @nielsvanvelzen
- Update ExoPlayer to 2.16 #561, by @Maxr1998
Read our blog post at to see what's new or read the full changelog below.
β¨ Features and improvements
- Follow skip forward/back length on ExoPlayer #441, by @CarlosOlivo
- Add ffmpeg extension #520, by @Maxr1998
π₯ Crash fixes
π Bug fixes
- Force enable linear PCM codecs #512, by @Maxr1998
- Fallback to prefer extension renderers if decoder fails #552, by @Maxr1998
π¨ Refactoring
- Improve session integration #447, by @CarlosOlivo
- Fix and tweak mpegts and transcoding profiles #524, by @Maxr1998
- Migrate to Jellyfin Kotlin SDK v1.1 #543, by @Maxr1998
βοΈ Build changes
- Update AGP to 7.0.1 #508, by @Maxr1998
- Also build app bundle for Google Play in CI #509, by @Maxr1998
- Update ExoPlayer to 2.15.0 #510, by @Maxr1998
- Update dependencies #521, by @Maxr1998
- Lint workflow #522, by @Maxr1998
- Switch CI Java to temurin distribution #540, by @Maxr1998
- Dependency updates #541, by @Maxr1998