Low level implementation of Chrome DevTools Protocol. This project implements the last version of protocol (https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/)
The library has two drivers
- RawDriver. Send and receive custom commands using ws protocol
- LowLevelDriver. Use any available command of domain list
- Accessibility
- Animation
- ApplicationCache
- Audits
- Browser
- CacheStorage
- Console
- Database
- Debugger
- DeviceOrientation
- DOMDebugger
- DOMSnapshot
- DOMStorage
- Emulation
- HeadlessExperimental
- HeapProfiler
- IndexedDB
- Input
- Inspector
- IO
- LayerTree
- Log
- Memory
- Network
- Overlay
- Page
- Performance
- Profiler
- Runtime
- Schema
- Security
- ServiceWorker
- Storage
- SystemInfo
- Target
- Tethering
- Tracing
Helper.KillAllChromeInstances(); // kill all opened instances of google chrome
Helper.StartChromeDevTools(); // start new chrome browser instance point to http://localhost:9222
if (!await Helper.CheckWebSocketAsync()) // check if remote debugging url it's available
Helper.StartChromeHeadless(); // start a headless instance of google chrome
var url = await Helper.FirstWebSocketDebuggerUrlAsync(); // get the first ws remote url
driver = new LowLevelDriver(url); // instance driver
// navigate
await driver.Page.NavigateAsync("https://www.msn.com"); // navigate
// screenshot
var screenShotJson = await driver.Page.CaptureScreenshotAsync(); // capture image and return base64 json image
// get version
Console.WriteLine(await driver.Browser.GetVersionAsync()); // get browser version
// get browser command line
Console.WriteLine(await driver.Browser.GetBrowserCommandLineAsync()); // get all command lines of headless instance
// page cookies
Console.WriteLine(await driver.Page.GetCookiesAsync()); // get all cookies
// get document
var docJson = await driver.Dom.GetDocumentAsync(); // get document in raw format devtools protocol
var nodeId = docJson["root"]["nodeId"].ToObject<int>();
// get html
var htmlJson = await driver.Dom.GetOuterHTMLAsync(nodeId); // get source code of page
var html = htmlJson["outerHTML"].ToString();