This example project is to illustrate how to configure the phoenix framework to use rollup instead of the default brunch for asset management. How to configure typescript and preact, to get at bare project up and running with these awesome components.
The project is created using the following steps
mix --no-ecto --no-brunch hello
This just creates the basic bare phoenix project. If you are used to using brunch with phoenix you will notice that there is no assets dir here because of the no-brunch parameter. We will add our own structure.
Install dependencies with mix deps.get
, the mix task above asked me
if i wanted to install deps.
In the default brunch mode, all non js related assets will be copied directly to priv. You can use rollup for this with some plugins. For instance use rollup with postcss to manage styleheets. Read more about that here
Rollup is configured just to bundle the typescript files (tsx) into the app.js in priv/js
Before you start phoenix, do
cd assets
npm install
This will install the needed node_modules as defined in package.json.
Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
You should see a tick counter and nothing else.
This is just a guide of sorts to get you dev environment setup for this type of project. Something i needed to do and could find very little information on. Also, I forget easily, so I will let github remember :)