The Denali System Language was created by the Platforms and Technology Design team at Verizon Media as a scalable method for designing and developing visually consistent and functional internal products. The Denali website houses our entire component library, icon font family, and CSS framework complete with corresponding code snippets and documentation. Additionally, the site is also home to our design principles, which outline the proper implementation of our components within a product’s UI.
You can view the site at here.
You will need to have these tools installed to run the site. Follow the instructions on their corresponding sites to install.
Note: This guide assumes you have the prerequisites installed locally and will not go over instructions on how to install these.
After all prerequisites are installed follow these instructions to run a local version of this repository.
Clone or download this repository.
Use terminal or any command line tool and navigate to where you downloaded the repository.
cd user/documents/git/denali-styleguide
Run the site using this.
jekyll serve --config _config.yml,
You should be prompted with a success message and the url to use to view the site.
- Chrome on Android, Windows, macOS, and Linux
- Firefox on Windows, macOS, and Linux
- Safari on iOS and macOS
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
To start contributing to Denali, have a look at our guidelines, as well as pointers on where to start making changes, in our contributing guide.
- Jay Torres | Dir Product Design for Core Platforms ([email protected])
- Chris Esler | Principle Software Dev Engineer ([email protected])
- Chas Turansky | Product Designer & Front-End Dev ([email protected])
- Jazmin Orozco | Product Designer ([email protected])
- Marco Sandoval | Product Designer ([email protected])
Code licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for terms.