A lightweight, flexible framework for logging to replace NSLog.
轻量级, 灵活的Log框架,可以用来替代NSLog。
##Quick start 【快速使用】
Setup a ConsoleLogger, so that the logs can output in console.
JVConsoleLogger *consoleLogger = [[JVConsoleLogger alloc] init];
consoleLogger.logLevel = JVLogLevelVerbose;
[JVLogManager registerLogger:consoleLogger];
You can use JVLog to replace NSlog.
NSString *s = @"world";
JVLog(@"hello %@", s);
pod 'JVLog', '~> 0.1'
1.Download the JSONModel repository as a zip file or clone it.【下载源代码】
2.Copy the JVLog/Classes into your Xcode project.【把JVLog/Classes目录中下的文件加入工程】
###Writer 【作者信息】
Email:[email protected]
- Communication with Email or QQ.
- If find bugs, feedback to me immediately.
- If need some feature, feedback to me.
- If some better idea, feedback to me.
- If you want contribution, Pull Requests.
* 想交流的可以加qq和发邮件 * 如果发现任何bug,希望你立即告诉我 * 希望有什么新功能,请尽管告诉我 * 如果用起来觉得那里不爽的,欢迎吐槽我 * 如果你想为贡献代码,Pull Requests即可