This is a webapp that displays a dashboard to view and modify devices and readings using an external API. It is written in AngularJS 1.5 and requires node/npm.
npm is used to download libraries that this code depends on, so the first step is to install the dependencies with npm:
npm install
The external API at does not allow CORS, so angular cannot use the API directly. Node is used to serve the static html files and to proxy API calls, so first run node:
node index.js
Then visit and visit http://localhost:3000/ in a browser
The tests are setup to use PhantomJS, so it should be installed first (I installed it with Homebrew). To run the unit tests, you should be able to run:
npm test
The code assumes that the API is running and available. This does not have a lot of error handling.
The challenge description says that the user should create a unique name for new devices, but the API does not return an error when creating a new device that matches an existing one, so any validation for that is not implemented.