Prerequisites: java 8, jython, robotframework, jybot, sikulixapi.jar with tesseract
Setup CLASSPATH AND JYTHONPATH in environment variables:
CLASSPATH = <path to sikulixapi.jar>
JYTHONPATH = <path to sikulixapi.jar>\Lib;<path to sikulixapi.jar>\org
Install the SikuliXRobotLibrary:
git clone
cd SikuliXRobotLibrary
jython install
Run The Demo:
jybot -d LOGS -i Demotest demo\calc_test_suite
SikuliXRobotLibrary is a gui recognition testing library for Robot Framework that leverages the SikuliX version 1.1.0 methods.
It is modeled after the Selenium2Library library.
- More information about this library can be found in the
Keyword Documentation
_. - Installation information is found in the
demo/ A simple demonstration, with calculator application in Windows 8
doc/ Keyword documentation
src/ Python source code
To write tests with Robot Framework and SikuliXRobotLibrary,
SikuliXRobotLibrary must be imported into your Robot test suite.
See Robot Framework User Guide
_ for more information.
SikuliXRobotLibrary supports Jython interpreters supported by the Robot Framework.
SikuliXRobotLibrary depends on a few other Jython libraries, including of course Robot Framework. All dependencies are declared in
SikuliX must be installed with the Tesseract based OCR features. When running the sikulixsetup-1.1.0.jar, make sure to select the second and third options.
The source code can be retrieved either as a source distribution or as a clone of the main source repository. The installer requires Jython version 2.7 or newer. Install by running:
jython install
Note: In most linux systems, you need to have root privileges for installation.
Uninstallation is achieved by deleting the installation directory and its
contents from the file system. The default installation directory is
Once you have installed SikuliXRobotLibrary it is a good idea to verify the installation. To verify installation start jython::
C:\> jython
and then at the Jython prompt type::
>> import SikuliXRobotLibrary
If the jython command line interpretor returns with another prompt ('>>' as shown above) then your installation was successful.
The most common issue with installing SikuliXRobotLibrary is missing dependencies. An error like::
ImportError: No module named sikuli
indicates that you are missing the sikulixapi.jar package. To correct this problem, install the sikulixapi.jar with tesseract then add the following in the environment variables::
CLASSPATH = <path to sikulixapi.jar>
JYTHONPATH = <path to sikulixapi.jar>\Lib
Similarly if you receive "No module named ..." error message then you have another missing dependency. To correct, use easy_install to install the missing package.
.. _pip: .. _easy_install:
The demo directory contains an easily executable demo for Robot Framework using SikuliXRobotLibrary. To run the demo, run::
jybot -d <output directory> -i <tag> <suite directory>
jybot -d C:\SikuliXRobotLibrary\demo\logs -i Demotest C:\SikuliXRobotLibrary\demo\calc_test_suite
Note: C:\SikuliXRobotLibrary\demo\logs will be automatically created upon running the script
- Install Java 8.
i. Run java -version in command prompt, java version should be displayed, otherwise, add C:\Program Files\Java\jre\bin in Environment Variable
- Install Jython 2.7:
i. Download the installer then make sure to accept the license agreement during installation
ii. Add 'C:\jython2.7.0\bin' in Environment variables
iii. Check if jython is installed, run 'jython --version' command in command prompt, if successful, the following will be displayed
Jython 2.7.0
- Install Robotframework from the source:
i. Download and extract the rf source (robotframework-2.9.2.tar.gz (md5)) to a local directory
ii. cd to the extracted directory where
is located
iii. Open a command prompt and run:
jython install
* jybot.bat will be created in C:\jython2.7.0\bin
* C:\jython2.7.0\Lib\site-packages\robotframework-2.9.2-py2.7.egg will be created
iv. Run jybot --version in command prompt, if successful, the following will be displayed:
Robot Framework 2.9.2 (Jython 2.7.0 on java1.8.0_60)
- Install SikuliX v1.1.0.
i. Download sikulixsetup-1.1.0.jar (md5) in a local directory
* C:\SikuliX1.1.0
ii. Double-click the sikulixsetup-1.1.0.jar file
iii. Once the dialog for installation is launched, select options 2 and 3, i.e. Pack 2 and the tesseract (you may opt to install the IDE option 1 later, but backup the sikulixapi.jar first)
* if sucessful, the sikulixapi.jar will be created (must be 24-25MB in size otherwise, there may be some missing files if a smaller jar file is created)
- Add CLASSPATH: C:\SikuliX1.1.0\sikulixapi.jar and JYTHONPATH: C:\SikuliX1.1.0\sikulixapi.jar\Lib in Environment Variables.
i. Right-click > My Computer > Properties > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables
ii. Click New button. In Variable Name field, type CLASSPATH and in Variable Value, type C:\SikuliX1.1.0\sikulixapi.jar
iii. Do the same thing for JYTHONPATH
- Install SikuliXRobotLibrary from source.
i. Do the following in command prompt:
cd C:\
git clone
cd SikuliXRobotLibrary
jython install
* see for more installation instructions and troubleshooting
- Run the demo calculator test suite.
i. Do the following in command prompt:
cd C:\SikuliXRobotLibrary
jybot -d LOGS -i DemoTest demo\calc_test_suite
* if successful, this should run the following test:
* Main Test file: CalculatorTest.robot
*** Settings ***
Documentation Calculator test suite for the common operations. Does not use patterns as parameters in the keywords but uses offsets of regions instead
Resource CalculatorTestGivenWhenThen.robot
Test Setup Open "Calculator" Application
Test Teardown Close "Calculator" Application
Default Tags CalculatorTest DemoTest
Test Template Functionality Test
12 + 100 = 112 12 Plus 100 112
9 + 9 = 18 9 Plus 9 18
112 - 100 = 12 112 Minus 100 12
119 - 9 = 110 119 Minus 9 110
100 / 2 = 50 100 Divide 2 50
1 / 4 = 0.25 1 Divide 4 0.25
10 * 100 = 1000 10 Times 100 1000
2 * 9 = 18 2 Times 9 18
*** Keywords ***
Functionality Test
[Arguments] ${num1} ${operation} ${num2} ${expected_result}
Given User Calculates "${num1}" "${operation}" "${num2}"
When User Clicks "Equals" Button
Then Actual Result Should Be Equal To "${expected_result}"
* The SikuliXRobotLibrary library is set in the resource: CalculatorTestGlobalHelpers.robot
*** Settings ***
Library SikuliXRobotLibrary
Sikulix's OCR is still not that perfect in recognizing texts yet, the demo test case only includes more than 1 digit on expected results, single digits and repeating digits like 4444 seems to not return any texts when read by the OCR. you may play with the test cases by assigning different values in the arguments of the test cases
SikuliX takes over the mouse pointer and keyboard control, you may opt to setup the scripts in another node in Jenkins then run it remotely.
For capturing, slicing images and calculating the offset values of x, y, w and h, I am using: picpick:
Other similar tools for image capture and offset value calculations respectively are: IrfanView: pixel-ruler online tool:
Created by Francis John P. Agunday