- zsh configuration
- Few alias and nice prompt
- Display current git branch in the prompt
- VIM configuration
- I rarely use VIM
- Emacs
- auto install emacs 24.4
- auto install rtags
- Comprehensive C++ environment
- Flycheck with clang
- Code navigation with rtags (based on on-the-fly compilation)
- C-J jump to definition, C-F find references, C-L list virtual overrides
- Improved gdb experience
- F8 compile, F9 recompile
- Python linting, code navigation and correct code completion
- C-J jump to definition, C-F find references
- Spellcheck everywhere (code comments, text)
- Smart completion everywhere (shell script, lisp, text, python)
- Check content of .emacs for more details...
Run ./install.sh
This will ask you before performing each operation. Few questions you might want to say no
- Overwrite ~/.gitconfig ? This will set ME as default user
- Do you want to make zsh your default shell ?
- Do you want to install emacs 24.4 from source ? Say no if you already have a version >= 24.4
- Rarely an error saying flycheck-mode failed will appear when opening a C++ buffer
- Very rarely emacs will hang when working in a C++ buffer (seems related to rtags)
- If you experience display glitches or issue with indentation, make sure to upgrade to emacs 24.4